
My family just adopted a 5 year old hound/terrier mix who only wants to hunt my cat. What can I do?

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My cat is 2 years old and is usually very bold. But the dog just barks and wants to chase her, and as soon as she sees the dog she takes off running and won't come near anymore. I'm not sure how to get them to tolerate one another.




  1. It wouldve been better to get a dog that likes cats.  It will be hard to train them to get along.  You could do what the second person said but i wouldnt be able to ever trust the dog.  Just keep them apart.  My dog and cat love each other and lounge in the sun and take naps together and I got the dog when he was 1 and then cat was 4 when we got the dog.  Some dogs and cats just get along, some dont.

  2. this is NOT going to be a quick fix - I DID have sucess by keeping cat visable in a wire crate for a few hrs each evening and giving the dogs what-for when they looked preditory. then letting cat out dogs in  crate & never allowing them togher for TWO MONTHS.

    DO NOT allow a cat running -dog chasing situation....

    It doesn't always work - ever.  I had a foster that in nearly a year STILL wanted to eat the cat...

  3. either have one be an inside pet and one be an outside pet or get rid of the dog or get rid of the cat. personally i would pick the dog over the cat.

  4. i think that you should first of all take the dog to obidience school so that it knows the basic commands when you tell it too. maybe your dog isnt socialized well either so she wants to attack everything. terriers have a lot of engery and sometimes can be hard to train because maybe your dog just doesnt like cats.

    if things dont work about training your dog i would suggest have the dog calm down before it evens looks at the cat or have your dog pooped out  

  5. Keep the dog on a leash for a while, and have a squirt bottle handy. If he barks and/or lunges at the cat, squirt him with the bottle and say ''no''.

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