
My family loves to eat meat, but my daughter wants to become a vegan. what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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every holiday or special occasion, its a tradition of our family to eat A LOT of meat.




  1. let her shes has her own personality

  2. let her do it. parents that hold back their children from expressing their feelings are not good. thats the way the child is happy. if she needs to be herself by being a vegan then go ahead and let her. it really shouldnt be up to you tho since its her and all but i can see why your concerned as a parent and everything. if it makes her happy then i would let her do it.

  3. give her a veg's burger .they taste like sh*t

  4. your avatar doesn't seem very accurate,

  5. Um, what??? Aren't you the one who just said you "trained your son to be a vegan-but he wants to eat meat" ?  You got issues...

  6. Don't do anything.  It's your daughter that's becoming vegan.  Not you.  Let her help the world in peace.

  7. Support your daughter in what she wants to do.  It may just be a phase or she may be serious about it.  Do all your research so she knows what she can and can't eat and make sure that she is eating healthy and getting all of the nutrients she needs.  You can still go on eating a lot of meat even if your daughter doesn't want to.

  8. let her buy her own ****.

  9. Didn't you just post a comment 10 minutes ago saying the exact opposite senerio, and with the same name?  This website is for those who want real answers.  Please do not ask questions for the fun of it.

  10. Umm, I think you're the one with the problems... you just posted a question about having vegan children...

  11. I have to disagree with what your avatar says, Bob. Ask real questions, not lame hypotheticals.

  12. YOur so weird! Weren't you just talking about how you trained your son to be vegan!?!? You obviously have no life....

  13. Just feed her something else that doesn't have meat.  And if she really wants to eat what the rest of the family eats, then she can just suck it up and eat the meat.

  14. Funny how in your last question you trained your kid to be vegan and agonized over him wanting to eat meat.

    If you're going to be an effective troll, you're going to have to cover your tracks a little better than that.

    School's out, shouldn't you be enjoying summer break?

  15. What about your son the vegan who wants to try meat for the first time, Troll?

  16. You really need to support her. There is nothing wrong with being a vegan. Buy things like immitation meat and do lots of research on foods she can eat. Talk to the doctor about how she can get the prober amout of iorn and protien. Let her do what  she wants and don't get in the way of her belifs. : ) GOOD LUCK!

  17. let her be a vegaterian, she osnt hurting anyone and its a good cause

  18. Every holiday and special occasions come a few times a year. You cannot depend your daughters life on 10 to 20 days out of the whole year. Your daughter needs to start choosing things for herself, making the right decision, and you need to except that (I'm not saying that you don't). She should try being a vegetarian and gradually become a vegan. If she doesn't like it, then she can go back to vegetarianism. When ever your family eats any thing that is non-vegan, she can just replace it with the exact same thing, but artificial. This means that she will have to start to make a large portion of her meal, only if you don't do it for her. After a month or two everyone will understand the routine and it will just become a regular thing with the meals. Do a lot of vegan research, you will need it! If you feel she is unhealthy or will be take her to a dietitian.

  19. A few minutes ago you just posted you trained your kid to be vegan and now he wants to eat meat.

  20. lol

    dumb ppl make me laugh

  21. Nothing.  She'll grow out of the fad since she has no concept of what it means anyway.

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