
My family members are all FIXED SIGNS? lol

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I'm a Taurus

sister- Leo

mom- Scorpio

step-dad- Aquarius

So how should we all get along? .I think we are all stubborn..and have this my way or the high way




  1. What  a load of malarkey.

    You are all stubborn because your parents allow it.

    If your parents whipped your butts every time you didn't cooperate, you would all get along, I guarantee it . Your parents tolerate it and even think it is "cute".

    If you like it, it's called tenacity. If you are making a judgment against it, it is stubbornness.

    I am stubborn and my family is glad of it, since I a tough in hard times, and fight for them against the school board, and others. I am also a good strong friend, and will stick through thick and thin.

    I also want what I want right now.

    You should all get along because you live in the same house and have to share your l ives. You can talk and work out your differences as long as everyone is willing to give a little. Your family should be living as if you all mattered and your lives were important and you are best friends. Then you can enjoy life together.

    It has ZERO to do with where the stars are today or last month or 50 years ago.

  2. Oh wow!  I'd look at the orbs of their planets in synastry.  Draw a big chart with yours as the base.  Pencil in everyone else's planets using color coded pencils.  The family members with the tightest orbs plus Moon and/or Mars involved will be the ones with the most conflict.  The squares will be harder than the oppositions because oppositions sometimes search for common ground.  

    I come from a family with a strong Leo emphasis.  Plus a Taurus and Aquarius thrown in for good measure.   And there was the Italian factor.  lol  Heated debates were encouraged.  Nothing wrong with conflict.  Conflict forces us to learn about ourselves and others.  With family we HAVE to learn the art of compromise.  You are all together for a reason.  You can learn that reason through astrology.  Good luck.

  3. you are correct that is exactly how the fixed signs are. here it is in a little more depth about the similarities between these 4 signs and the common attitudes they share:

    they are never the one who is wrong. their idea is most important. their opinion is the only one that is correct and there can ONLY be ONE correct answer to everything. they are never the first one to back down. they dont give in or give up. they don't fall for peer pressures. they have a strong sense of who they are and will never change for anyone. they dont change. they are reliable and steady and their personalities and behaviors reflect that. if they are a neat freak, they will always be one. if they are lazy, they will always be lazy. they do not opologize, if they do they are not the first to do so. they don't admit when they are lost or when they are wrong. they dont admit when they have been defeated, in their eyes they never lose, even when they have they don't admit it and dont see it that way.

  4. Sound like my family except we're all Cardinal signs!

    Mom's a Libra

    Dad's an Aries

    Brother's a Capricorn

    I'm a Cancer

    We don't always get along the greatest. But no one is trying to be the leader all the time.

    I do find that cardinal, fixed and mutable signs get along despite being  their elements, you just have to work it out.  

  5. Fixed signs all differ:

    Aquarians will not change the way they think for anybody.

    Scorpios will not change the way they feel for anybody.

    Leos will not give up the spotlight for anybody.

    Taurans will not give up their way of life for anybody.

  6. You are right you probably all are stubborn. But since you all are fixed signs all of you have a appreciation of one another. You may not agree on a lot of things but you can come together as a unit, as a family. That is so wonderful. What a wonderful fixed family. (smile)

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