
My family needs help?

by  |  earlier

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I have a brother and a sister that are currently living with my mother who it completely incompetent.She leaves with her boyfriend all the time and spends nights away and they never know when she is coming home.There is hardly any food in the house EVER!! My little brother is has special needs because of an emotional disorder and a learning disability.She yells at him constantly because she doesnt know how to deal with it.I do and i want to get them out of that house.Is there anything i can do?? I know that i would probably need to get a lawyer but i wanted to seek others opinion before spending a fortune.I know that this would be a long shot but i spend 5 years raising those kids and i dont want them to go to foster care.If there is anyone that can help with prior experience or knowledege.Please help.

** Note** i can be reached on yahoo messenger or thru email also..




  1. First of all you need to contact an attorney that handles family law cases to discuss what options maybe available to you if any.

    You may be able to petition to a court to have temporary guardianship of a minor until your family matters get taken care of.

    Secondly, if you know for a fact that you mother is doing these types of things by leaving children  at home. You need to call the police and child protective services to start the process of holding her accountable for her actions. She is obviously violating state law with respect to neglect and /or child endangerment.

    She can be charged criminally for engaging in such an act. But, the important thing is to get her every move documented. If a court sees that there is a consistent pattern of negligent behavior on her part she could have her parental rights terminated by a court.

    First things first. Call a Family affairs Attorney as soon as possible

  2. u have to get them out of there , wish u good luck with that
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