
My family thinks I'm weird. . .?

by  |  earlier

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Because i like hot tea. They all like cold sweet tea, and I like hot tea with sugar and milk. They think that's weird. . .why?




  1. funny, i think my family is weird!

  2. simply because you like the taste my from where my family comes from everyone drinks hot tea with milk it simple taste ammazing=)

  3. Well you must not be English or Irish.

    We only drink our tea hot.

    It is the best way to have tea.

    Each to their own but tea should be drank hot.

  4. Is this a trick question? Why do they think you are weird? Because they are coffee drinkers?

  5. no dats perfectly fine

  6. that's funny.lots of people think inside the box.they think just because you are of the same genetic make-up that you are to have the same taste.if not you're an alien or your mom cheated on your dad......

    o well, c'est la vie.

  7. I like both kinds of tea in their own ways.  People usually think whatever is different from their own ways/behaviors is weird.  So, that's probably why they think it's weird!!

  8. ewwwww cold tea!!

  9. I love hot tea with a bit of milk as well, and so does my mom.  I suppose you're just as weird as I am.  =]

  10. never tried cold tea though iced tea is popular in some countries

  11. im not from the UK either ,but me and my family like hot tea too..

  12. tell them they r weird lol

  13. My family loves hot tea tea also., with sugar and lemon. I can't imagine someone thinking that is weird. It's not uncommon

  14. I'm guessing you are from the US... in the UK it's weird for people to like cold tea... we prefer hot, milk with two sugars :-) you wouldn't be weird here at all


  15. as if u culd drink tea any ufa way

    tel them 2 shush

  16. Hot tea warms you up

    cold tea isn't nice ><

    Iced tea is..but thats a different story

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