
My family used my credit card? Help!

by Guest66811  |  earlier

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A sibling committed fraud in my name, with a credit card, over $10,000.

What are the consequences, if I report it, or decided to do nothing?

Please, answer seriously. I don't know what to do... this problem causes me to worry on a daily basis.




  1. If you don't file criminal charges, the credit card company treats it as though you are authorizing the charges and you are on the hook to pay it back.  So if you want any chance of getting out of paying back yourself, you have to file a criminal complaint.

    Now you probably don't want to do that to a sibling; I know I wouldn't.  However, did they have any problem stealing $10K from you and possibly ruining your credit?

  2. A lot of trouble in both cases.

  3. My Wife went through this same thing a few years ago with her Son and the only way to get out of it is to file a police report and send copies to your credit card company.

    When my Wife did this the card company cleared her credit report and neither them or the police ever went after her Son.

  4. will you get your money back if your report it?  

  5. If you do not file a police report, then you owe the $10,000 to the credit card company.

    In order to get the credit card's fraud department involved (where they will waive the $10,000, i.e., declare that you don't owe it), then you must, at a minimum, file a police report, and press charges if the guy is caught.

  6. What a terrible situation to be in.

    If you report him, they will be charged with fraud and could face prison time.

    If you don't report it, you will be liable for it, all of it.

    You could just try the disputing process and make them prove to you that you signed for the debt. See where that goes.  

    I hope this works out for you.

  7. That is identity theft. Go to the police. Then sue him in Small Claims Court to get some of the money back.

  8. He will do jail time.  I  had a friend whose brother did the same, but she didn't know the consequences.  She reported the fraudulent activity to MasterCard who launched an investigation.  He was charged with credit card fraud and identity theft.  He was sentenced to a year in jail.  If you do nothing you will have to pay it back and if you do not the credit card company has the right to file legal action against you.  Of course, thereafter, all wages you earn will be garnished or any assets you attain can be taken to pay the debt.

  9. Call the police and file a report.

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