
My family wants another cat?

by  |  earlier

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i have a cat, sandy. she is an orange tabby, and shes 71/2 years old.we got her when she was 1 year old. a few years back we got a kitten. she didnt like him. she started peeing on everything. so we had to give away the kitten. we still kept in touch with her previous owner and we asked her if she had any bad experiences with cats. it turns out the owner found her on the streets and took her in. she had two other cats and the cats kind of "abused" sandy. they wouldnt let her eat and hissed at her all the time. so i guess shes afraid of other cats? how can we help her "overcome" this fear? cause we saw this kitten and shes adorable. and we want her. but i will never get rid of sandy.

thanks for any help

-matty j




  1. she was peeing everywhere because she was marking her territory. I think before you bring a cat home you should take sandy to meet the other cat because it will have less stress on both cats. maybe she is just one of those cats who doesnt really get along with others.

  2. slowly introduce the cats. Keep the kitten in the bathroom with its own food/water/litter box and let them meet through the door. Every so often through out the day, let the older cat quickly see the new one but not for long. After a few days, they should be used to each others smell. Gradually intoduce them face to face and if you notice problems, return kitten back to the bath room and try again later. Some older cats just do not want to share their space no matter how much you want them to If your kitten doesn't accept the kitty after a few months, then it just isn't going to work out and you will need to wait until the older one passes away.


    ==> good article on how to introduce 2 kitties

    Feliway wall plug-in may calm them down quite a bit too..

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