
My author page won't show up when I log-in.?

by  |  earlier

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Today, (and it's the first time it's happened to me), I logged-in to my account. I typed the email ad and my password just fine. But when I press the "log in" button, the page shows up empty (wherein it's supposed to show your author stats, favorites, documents, stories, etc.). I tried clearing the browser cookies but it still won't work. Does it have something to do with the site, or with my computer? (cause it's a shared computer) And how can I contact the staff of Does anybody here know the email addie? Thanks for the help. I'm needing the answers asap.




  1. I can't sign in either without getting the blank page. I did all the steps to clear out cache, cookies, etc. but nothing helped. I sent them an email as well. Hopefully, it will be fixed soon.  

  2. I have the same problem, I tried to update a new story, but when I logged in all that showed up was a blank page! why does this happen? does it have to do with the e-mail?! and it's good news that I'm not the only one. Please if ANYONE has any answers, I would be glad to hear them!! Thanks you for your time.

  3. Omg!!! The same thing is happening to me. I deleted the cookies and everything but when I went in and put my email address in and password all I get is a blank page. Just like the other person said. I'm glad that someone else is having the same problem. I thought it was just me. And it sucks to because I have chapters to put up and it won't let me. (Tear). But I'll keep trying and hopefully it will fix itself.

    P.S. To contact support at fanfiction you can email :

  4. I am having the same problem. I don't have an answer for you, but it does make me feel a bit better to see that someone else has the same issue. Hopefully, it has nothing to do with your computer or mine, and everything to do with '' and hopefully they will fix the problem in due time.

    Can you sign in at all? I try to sign in but I get a blank page.  

  5. me too i don't know what to do i guess that there working on the site

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