
My father committed suicide and my brother and I do not know if we are in the will. We have an evil stepmom?

by  |  earlier

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She has forbid him to speak to us for 20 years.




  1. Unless you know where his will is located, you may be out of luck.  If she does not come forward with a will, then the courts will decide he died intestate.  That being the case, it all goes to her, or her and any minor children.

  2. It sounds as if she may also have convinced him not to put you in his will. However if you know who the executor of the will is, or your dads layer, you should ask them. In Washington State (my State) the executor of the will must be somebody who does not receive anything from the will and has the deceased best interest in mind.

  3. You need to talk to a probate lawyer re the will, if there was one.  Either way, the probate court will handle the dispersion of your late father's estate.

  4. Most states it goes to the wife if there is not a will.

    It will be up to you to prove he had a will. If you can't prove it evil mom will get it.

    Any man who agrees not to speak to their children for 20 years is not much of a man. It ounds like your father had many problems. You can't blame it all on her. Sorry for your loss.

  5. You need to get with an attorney ASAP before it is too late! Even if he left you out of the will, laws make part of that money go to his children too. She sounds like a horrible person, sorry!

  6. wow im so sorry. try to talk to your step mom about this.. if not, then find his lawyer and work this out.

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