
My father died about two years ago and i just found out. What can i do about his will?

by  |  earlier

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My father took off when i was a little boy and turned g*y.. He died and his lover took all his assets. Im the only aire. And the guy told the judge there was no aire. My uncle says to sue but i dont know if theres like a limitation on the case or what. Im confused and dont know if i should pursue this.




  1. It may be worth pursuing, but you'll need an attorney.  

  2. Your mother should get you a lawyer on your behalf to look into it. Meanwhile, she should also apply to social security because as a minor with a deceased parent she can get money to take care of you and you can get continuing money (a few hundred dollars a month but still) while you are going to school full time like to college until you turn 21.

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