
My father died almost two weeks ago and we are having a strange experience with something paranormal?

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My beloved father passed away on the fifth of june after a struggle with the heart disease , after he passed by about a week , my mother and sister smelt a strange smell in the kitchen a smell of burning wax where my father used to melt wax in it "it was his hobby to make candles" , they bith smelt it from where he used to stand and melt the wax , but they didn't tell me not to frighten me , after it by two days I dreamt of my father 3 dreams , and after I woke up by minutes , I smelt a strong smell of cigarrettes in my nostrils , though no one in our house was a smoker except my father , who was a very heavy smoker , I was plain horrified , and when I told my mother , sho told me the burning candle story , at this moment I felt there is something abnormal . 2 days ago , my mother suddenly went shivering and told me that she smelt a heavy cigarrette smoke in her nostrils too and she felt numbness in her head!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know I sound totally insane , but that is how it goes!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Well if he smoked inside, cigarette smells are just one of those things that you just never totally get out. So it could easily be possible to catch a whiff of it if he did it inside.

    That said.. More than once I'd heard a cat we'd lost within the first several months he was gone. Later turned out other family members also had the same experience individually, all at the cupboard where the cat food had been kept. Also the spring door bumper thing he used to mess with would occasionally be heard, just one twang of it, without any other pets here and no people in that part of the house. It actually happened quite a few times for a while.

    So what can I say, stuff happens.

  2. Things happened after my mom died.. Someone would tickle me when I was in bed, someone did the same my dad..

    Some say this is to let the family members of the person whom has passed knows they are okay.. Some also say that means someone in the family is ready to let that person go.. Dreaming of your father is normal as well.. Telling you he is okay.. Don't fear it, he will go away if he thinks he is causing fear in his family.. Be glad he is there and he is okay.. Maybe write down your dreams about him so you remember them so you have just alittle more to hold onto.. I know this is all hard and you don't want to hear most of it but I've been there.. It's hard it never gets any better you just learn to live again.. I'm sorry for your loss and hang in there.. If you need to talk send me something.. I don't know what you are going though but I know a form of it..

  3. I totally believe that the people who have passed on can communicate with you.  I'm a paranormal investigator.  I was in a historic & supposedly haunted place doing an investigation with 2 friends (the home was owned by another friend that totally doesn't believe in anything paranormal) and after about an hour, we smelled hot buttered popcorn in the kitchen.  Then the smell just went away.  We smelled a cherry cigar all of the sudden upstairs.  No one was there.  No one lives in this house, they only use it for parties, etc.

    I totally believe you are hearing boxes move, and smelling stuff.  Your dad wants you to know there is life after death.  

    Check out spirit communication.  These are great books by Mark Macy, George Meek, and others.

    Also, if you have a tape recorder, take it into any room in your house, and record yourself asking questions to your father.  Replay the tape.  You may hear his voice.  Listen closely, preferably with head phones.  Ask questions slowly and give time after each one for an answer before going to the next question.  This approach is called EVP.  Electronic Voice Phenomenon.  I've seen it work hundreds of times.  If you think you hear something on the tape, but can't make it out, upload it to a computer program that can amplify and cut down other noises to help you.  One that might help is:

    Check out EVP on the internet for more tips.

    Hope this all helps you.  Email me directly if you want to visit more about it.  I love this kind of stuff.

    And I'm sorry for your loss.  I've always told my (non-believing) family that if I die first, I will be trying to communicate with them.  And I've even asked them to try to communicate with me if they go first!  They just laugh and shake their heads.

  4. it's psychological along with the group catching thing, don't know the name for it, when a group of people influence one another in a same action or as the case here, visions and experiences, because without expressing their thoughts out loud they are shared like a deep bond between the group

    the way i see it, you have issues unsolved with your father, and you believe he has issues unsolved with you

    death is peace dear, he rests in peace

    you could talk to someone about the issues,  or for example simply write them down on having a discussion with him a dialogue, solve it

    i would not want you to deal with this very normal behavior in an abnormal yet sometimes common way, because that's when you deviate, get lost and don't face the problem straight in the face

    and do keep us informed


    n.b: psychiatrists to be and psychiatrists are only human

  5. First of all, you're not going insane!

    There are two approaches to explaining the above mentioned experiences. I will not try to convince you of either one, merely offer both as possibilities.

    a) The supernatural approach: your father's spirit/ghost is still 'hanging around' the house and is not yet ready to move on. Unfortunately, there is not much more I can say beyond that, as I'm not an expert on the supernatural. There are professional 'ghost whisperers' today, who claim to be able to communicate with spirits. If you are convinced that it is in fact your father's ghost causing the above experiences, maybe you should seek out one of these whisperers to help you figure out what's going on.

    b) the skeptics apporach: Since it's been only 2 weeks since your father's death the lingering smells may still be remnants from when your father was still alive and maybe you occassionally catch a whiff of it. The dreams are not unusual, they are simply a way the brain deals with emotional problems. The 'numbnesss in the head' could simply be lack of sleep. Remember that you are going through an emotionally very difficult time, so you might be prone to fancies that you might dismiss normally (i really don't mean this in a bad way, i'm sorry if it sounds that way).

    I understand this is a very difficult subject for you and I'm sorry for your loss, hope my humble answer was of help.

  6. First off i would like to say sorry for your loss...

    Ive had a similar experience when my father passed away. He passed away when i was 9 yrs old. Well to start the time of his passing we lived in an apt that had to be haunted..weird things would happen there on an everyday basis(toilets flushing on there own, footsteps when nobody was walking, etc....) i remember days after his burial i woke up one night and heard this banging noise on the glass kitchen table...(my dad used to tap the bottle of parmasean cheese to loosen it up) after i heard that i heard the kitchen cabinet open and then close. As the days passed i also had dreams of where we were in his room and he was explaining to me that he was sorry he couldnt be around anymore.

    So dont worry you are definitly not insane! =)

  7. That's normal. It's simply the mind playing tricks on you. THings you experienced with your father everyday are remembered or "reconstructed" because they happened on a regular basis. Nothing paranormal.

    I remember that I thought he was calling me from downstairs here and then after his death. It was only an illusion caused by the fact that this happened before often and my mind filled the new gap with old memories.

    That will cease sooner or later. After some weeks these "paranormal activities" aka hallucinations won't happen anymore.

    And by the way, this is nothing to be embarrased of, it's a normal form of handling the loss of a person.

    As a psychiatrist to be you should know about things like pattern recognition where patterns don't exist and self-fulfilling prophecies.

  8. First of all, I am sorry you lost your father.

    I would attribute all these situations to the process of greiving.  Your father is being remembered in different ways by everybody.  Because the sense of smell and memory are so closely tied, it's possible you're remembering the smells associated with your father as you're remembering other things about him.

  9. Hi, Sorry to hear about your loss.

    Please understand one thing though, it is very normal for a person to want to hang on to a false belief that their recently deceased relative is trying to contact them in some way. I am very sorry to tell you that this is simply just not true. There is no such thing.

    If you have studied to become a psychiatrist, there are some very simple principles here. Do not over complicate things.

    The experiences you are having are all simply tricks of the mind nothing more nothing less.

    I too have had very similar experiences to what you are going through. I have smelled cigarette smoke often and perfume my mother-in-law used to wear. She passed away 2 years ago (last week) and we still have these very strong smells. There are many other co-incidences as well, however, there is nothing paranormal about them. Abnormal maybe but paranormal, no.

    I know you are feeling great sorrow and loss at this time so this is when you are wanting to believe he is still about the most.

    No, it does not sound insane, it just sounds as though you loved him very much and miss him greatly - and for your loss, I feel for you.

    I sincerely hope this helps

    Kind regards.


  10. After a friend of mine died I could smell her everywhere around me, and I didnt believe in it honestly until this happened to me. She came to me once in my car, the supermarket, my daughter's school and once at home. It freaked me right out, but it was unmistakenly her. The one time at my daughter's school I was out in an open field not even thinking about my friend that had passed, and she came and the smell surrounded me. It was real and its changed my views on alot of things. Ive spoken to a friend of mine about it and she said that after her grandfather passed away she could smell his cigar smoke in her house and there were no smokers in her home. I did a search online and found that this is a common way for the deceased to try to communicate.

  11. My sympathies for your loss.  Losing a parent is awful.

    It definitely sounds as if your father is trying to reach you and your family.  He's trying to get your attention with the smoke & wax scents.  Have you tried talking to him?  Has your mother?  Why not try to talk to him, tell him how much you love & miss him and see if he responds?

  12. My father died in Aug of 2006.  For the whole week afterward

    strange things happened.  He loved his garage and several times members of my family, including me, saw the garage door open by itself.  Another of his favorite things was getting into the fridge for something sweet.  The refridgerator door opened by itself several times.  We started acknowledging him and talking to him and these incidents settled down.  But then in July of 2007 my mom was in trouble.  She had a neighbor who was harrassing her to the point where my mom had a stroke.  My family decided to move her  in with my brother and we went to move her out.  The  nasty neighbor kept putting nasty notes on her door on the inside of the window so we could not take them.  I had my niece take some pictures of it in case we needed to call the police.  In one of the pictures is my dads face 100% sure.  He has on dark glasses and a sober expression on his face.  I cherish this picture because it tells me that he is still with us and let us know he was there when we were having problems. Maybe your dad is just letting you know he is okay and he is still with you.  He must have loved you so very much to be going to all the trouble to let you know he is still there.  At least that is what I believe.  I know my dad loved his family more than anything and it does not surprise me the effort he has made to let tell us, even now.

  13. It is just psychological.

    You don't want your father to be dead, so you are having these "paranormal" experiences. You are finding things that remind you of your father so you can find hope that he may be alive.

  14. Instead of being afraid, afterall he was your dad.  maybe he is trying to tell you something or warn you about something ask him what does he want. Maybe he passed away without telling you all something important now if you feel you cant handle that tell him it's time to move on to "to the light"

    Sorry for your loss.

    (here i am telling my mom that when she passes away to come visit me once in a while so we can talk about what's going on that i wont be afraid)

  15. I am so sorry for your loss.  I lost both of my parents and as time goes by it does get easier to live with, the pain is always there but it goes deeper and doesn't surface quite as often.  

    When my dad passed away we felt him around too.   About two weeks after he passed away we decided to box the things in his room.   I had them all boxed up and sitting in stacks in the bedroom.   One night I was up late and suddenly heard boxes being moved and thrown around in that room.   I went in and there was no one in there.   The boxes were just the way we left them.    I know he came back.  You aren't crazy, it does happen.   After that he seemed to leave.   He came back one more time, the day my son got married and made his presence known.   Your dad isn't gone, he is just in  a different place.   I would just talk to him and tell him whatever you want to say, he can still hear you.

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