
My father is cheating on my mother what should i do

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my dad did not come to sleep last night,because i looked out the window and his car was not there.and this morning he was not in my house either and my mom is really sad about it cause i heard her cry in the bathroom.i cannot believe he is doing this to us.i am so mad at him that i don't care if he ever comes back.




  1. Is his clothes gone? Is his money or ANYTHING gone?

    There must be a reason why he's not coming home maybe he got in a car accident or something you never know unless you spy or ask him!

  2. tell her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Obviously your Mother knows what is going on.  You don't need to get in the middle of this, especially now.  Give your Mom a hug and tell her you love her and will be in her corner no matter what.  Then leave it to her to tell you what's going on or not.  Even though this does affect you tremendously, you need to let the adults work through whatever is going on.  Good luck.

  4. having answered your previous questions ,you are better off with him to him cheating on your mother how could you be surprised given your last knew he was unfaithful.

  5. Hon, you cannot determine that your father is cheating on your Mom just by seeing that he didn't come home one night.  If your parents are having problems, they may have had a terrible fight about something that has nothing to do with cheating. You just don't know what it is that they are fighting about. Until you know the details for their dispute, don't assume it is anything in particular. You just don't know.

    Be sweet and obedient to your Mom and try to show her how much you love her.  This will certainly encourage her and make it so much easier to handle the problems she's dealing with your Dad. You are a good daughter.

    When you feel like the time is right, you should talk to your Dad and listen to what he has to say. Don't argue with him, just listen.

    Another thing, remember that it is a problem between your Mom and your Dad. You may be feeling the after affects of their problem, but you are NOT the problem. So don't let yourself feel guilty about anything. Let the adults work the problem out. Just be there to love them both.

    Good luck, Hon.

  6. Confront your dad...find out why and tell him to stop.

  7. Sorry about the circumstances.  If he is not violent you should tell him that you know.  Talk to him and tell him that it hurts all of you.  Hope that your Mom can forgive him and they should get counseling.  Your Mother should seek counseling no matter what though.  She needs it & lots of support from her loved ones.  If you talk to him and he continues than  your Mom should get a divorce.  Give her plenty of support and be strong.  Your Mom & yourself should not leave your home.  It always looks better in court if he is the one that leaves.  Divorce is the last resort.  Only if he will not start being the husband & father that he promised to be.  

  8. This is a serious issue and all you can do is let her know that you are there for her. If you are a young child say under 16 years old then maybe write her a letter and hand it to her something simple as I love you and stuff but if you are over 16 years old you are old enough to go and pull your mother aside and have a women to women conversation with her. Tell her just to listen if she does not want to speak and let her know that you see what is going on and that you are there for her. If she wants to discuss anything then be there for her other then that she may just want to deal with it on her own.

    However if your father comes around and speaks to you then if you are over the age of 16 I would give him a piece of my mind. Tell him that he disrepected the family and that you are not longer here for him or what ever you want to say I would just let him know that you are not blind and you see things and if he wants to leave then leave and stop hurting the family anymore.  

  9. let her know that you love her and don't be so judgemental

  10. let her find out on her own...maybe you can lead her to find out without actually telling her. you have some people that won't believe you when you tell them things like that. my aunt told my mom about my stepdad and she wouldn't believe her. they ended up not talking for some years

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