
My father is from Europe and played three cushion, anyone like that game in addition to pocket, Thanks,?

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My father is from Europe and played three cushion, anyone like that game in addition to pocket, Thanks,?




  1. yes

  2. Love it, I'm lousy at it, but it's great practice.  I'll jump on a carom table pretty often to work on my game.  Sometimes I'll practice 3 rails, sometimes just 1, sometimes I'll just try to play the combinations, or Just the caroms.  but it gives me a great way to work on specific aspects of my game without having to constantly throw balls up, just keep shooting and shooting.

  3. I actually never played 3 cushion billiards, because there aren't' any billiard tables around where I am from (Green Bay) However when I was at BCA nationals 2 years ago there was an exhibition table set up and a guy from the Olympic 3 cushion team was doing some shots and it was absolutely mind boggling what he was doing.  I have never in my life of shooting pool seen done some of the things he was doing with the cue ball.  I can't even put it to words how awesome it was.

  4. I have played, but I suck at it. It takes a great deal of practice. It is easy to get on a pool table and bang the balls around and execute fairly well, but it is significantly different with billiards - three cushions or otherwise.

    Depending on where you live, there are 3-cushion tournaments on occasion. The one I am thinking of is the Illinois Open at Chris' Billiards in Chicago. Heck, if they haven't gotten rid of it, Chris' has a 12 foot snooker table which is pretty awesome. I actually had a hard time reaching shots (I am 6' 7").

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