
My father is locked up and i had a dream that we were together and he was dressed in lime green?

by  |  earlier

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it was wierd i guess he got deported in the dream because we were back in the dominican republic and he was dress all in lime green and i was telling him 2 take that off that to wear my cloths instead of that what does this mean?




  1. What you thought is what you dream.

    Your dream indicate that in your subconscious mind, you love your father and you wish that you could swap places with your dad.

  2. im sorry to hear your dad is locked up :( you are probably on his mind A LOT as well as him on yours... the weird clothes and you wanting to re-dress him would make me think you want things to be different or as they once where .... maybe ?  you want him to live a "normal" life....  hence wear "normal" clothes

  3. Have you talked to him lately. I think he is thinking really hard about you and missing you. You are probably picking it up a bit and feeling his anguish. The lime green was his idea to get your attention. He has probably been visiting you in your dreams for a while and you didn't notice until he decided to put the lime green suit on so he could make sure to get your attention.

    You need to contact him.

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