
My father is really racist towards asian countries, how can I stop him?

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He assumes everyone Chinese or Asian is a cheater, a liar and a ruthless dictator, cruel, inhumane and just generally not a nice person, that isn't true! I'm sure theres one person in china that fits that description, but theres loads everywhere and people are people. How can I help stop him being so racist and help him to see the good side of asian countries?




  1. Make an asian baby.

  2. Beat he *** down

  3. The best way would be to take him to areas where there are Asians. Maybe you could take him to businesses run by Asians. The more you can get him to interact with people of all races, the more likely that he will see people as individuals and not as members of a prejudged group.

  4. ask him why he thinks this. is it because of 1 or 2 particular dealings he had?  

  5. Look up positive facts about asian countries and just tell them to him randomly. My dad is the same way except with black people. I think if they see one major thing they get so angry that now "everyone" that is of that race is that way.

    I think that he knows on the inside that it isn't true, it's just a shell. Tell him that he can't really be serious if he thinks every single person in that country is the same. Everyone in this country isn't, so why would would they be any different?

  6. Your father is a idiot. End of story.

    Hes just jealous that we are more successful in life. People who are jealous tend to make false accusations to make themselves feel better.

  7. He should travel to a major Asian city. It'll open his eyes.

    Also, he should get some therapy because he could be projecting his own negative traits onto his view of Asians.

  8. Hmmm, perhaps you try talking to him if he had some bad experiences with Asians. and tell him in a nice way that nobody is perfect & not all asian people are like that. it may seem tough & might take a long time for him to realize this but eventually he'll soon get your point.  

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