
My father is very negative and his negativity affects my mood!help?

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my dad is very depressed ever since her lost his job five years ago.He has mood swings and he puts me down by making me feel that I have not done anything in life!It really bothers me and ruins my day.I want to do alot in my life but he demotivates me with his attitude. He has no belief in himself and makes sure that I don't dream really bad! please help or give any advice that how can I fix the situation and stop being affected by it




  1. sounds harsh but i dont think you can change him, but you have to let it roll off ur back...u cant fix him but you can fix you...when hes like that, try ignoring the negativity, try not to let it affect you or giving him a quick and short answer that shows that u still believe in urself, so you can hold onto ur self respect. But its not healthy to be around that kind of attitude, so I wold try and remove myself from it, whenever it shows.

  2. ok, first be grateful that you  have a dad....some people don't . 2nd, your dad just lost his job 5 yrs ago, has he tried to find another job or not ? since he's the provider he probably feels bad about not being able to support his family the way he wants to.3rd talk to him about how it makes you feel bad when he puts you down..maybe he doesn't realize what he's doing. then tell him he's a good dad and encourage him more... give him a big hug... be thankful you have a dad.hope this helps. good luck..  

  3. Most people have a high regard and respect for their parents. We look up to them for guidance, reassurance, and resolution to problems we may face. However, in your situation, it is very difficult to experience any of these qualities from a parent who is putting you down.

    Just because your dad is negative and feeling sorry for himself, doesn't mean that you have to allow it to drag you down. If he demotivates you, stay away from him as much as possible. You always have alternatives to listening to your dad. Is your mom the same way as your dad? You could ask her for reassurance. If that is not possible, I would ask other family members (brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc). At the very least, talk to your friends. If they are true friends, they will encourage you to become everything you want to be. If they don't, find friends who will.

    Finally, remember one thing. You are a unique individual. You have aspirations, dreams, and goals in life. There is NO person on earth who has the right to take that away from you! You were born to accomplish whatever it is that you have talent for, are gifted with, and want to share with others. You have a spark in your soul that never goes out. And nobody can steal it. If this helps, try it. When you go to bed, before falling asleep, think of all the things you are good at, all things you love, all dreams that you dream "big". If you do this constantly, your subconscious will act on it accordingly. Try it. It worked for me. I wish you well.

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