
My father just took three percucet 512 pills. he said he feels fine? is there a chance of an overdose?

by  |  earlier

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he still feels fine. hes a larger man by the way. somehow 2 extra ones got put in his pill tray.




  1. theres NO chance of a overdose from 15mg of oxycodone

    ive done more then that and i was ok

  2. If he has taken the pills before, I wouldn't worry. It's not overdosing on the oxycodone you need to worry about. But Percocet usually has 325 mg of Tylenol per pill, and accidentally overdosing on Tylenol can be very dangerous. The maximum daily dose of Tylenol per day is 4 grams, (4000 milligrams) And according to dosages, you shouldn't take more than 12 percs in one day.

  3. no alcohol and don't take any more

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