
My father left us what can i do?

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My dad left our family. i feel so bad today and dont know what to do. im only 15 yrs old and my brother 17. my parents were constantly arguing to the point that my father left. my mother is alone and i dont know what shes feeling right now. when my father left he told me to keep my head up and to help my mother. my mother and brother are the only ones working and were barely going to make payments. what can i do to feel better and help my family out?




  1. talk with other adults!

  2. wow im terribly sorry,

    definatly talk to your counsler ( if you have one at school)

    maybe start working with a workers permit?

    and talk to your mother

    shes going through a ROUGH ROUGH patch,

    im really truly sorry

    it must be hard.

  3. maybe its better he left if there was always fighting,but he should be helping you and your brother and mother get by money wise and mental,as for what you can do,make the best of what you do have,remember your mom probally doesnt have money for the not so imporant stuff,maybe help clean up the house,do good in school,and love each other.i wish you the best.

  4. are you studying? if you are studying right now, i think that the best way that you can do is to study hard in order to help your mom and your brother in the future..  

  5. Your mother needs to go to court and file for at least child support for the two of you kids.

    Do what you can do to either cut expenses (don't have the A/C on cold, don't use much water, etc.)


    do what you can to bring in some money. At 15 you might not be able to find a job with a company of some sort (retail, fast food), but you can probably make your own gig.

    There are dozens of ways you can make money if you are creative.

    I know kids that make $6-$10 per week per yard, visiting a given yard twice a week, just picking up doggie-poo and bagging it up. We're talking a pooper-scooper and rubber gloves and a trash bag. The customer gets a poopie-free yard to entertain in, and you get income. Picture getting 20 such clients and how that will add up.

    You can also supplement that with dog-walking, dog-training, and either dog/cat sitting on vacations or babysitting. Then there is flower bed preparing for each season (the customer buys the mulch and stuff and you provide the labor), cleaning out rain gutters and whatever else needs to be done.

    If you are on a PC, open up your Microsoft Office Suite and make a flyer for yourself listing your service offerings, print out a 1/2-page (8.5" x 5") flyer on some various colored paper and start knocking on doors in a likely local neighborhood.

  6. dam.....

    i been in your situation my father left when i was 10 and mom got cancer after that.  i got no bros. 2 older sis' tho. i was too young to help back then but now im 17 and i have a part time job

    you and your brother should get part time jobs to help out your financially as well

  7. keep busy and comfort you mom as much as possible and remember that the split has nothing to do with you. Even though your dad isn't around doesn't mean he doesn't love you but like your dad said keep your head and never let up.

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