
My father passed away 23 years ago. Family rumors say he left me money, but how can I find out for sure?

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My mother & Father split before I was 1, but my father remained a huge part of my life until his death when I was 6. My mother said that my father often mentioned money he was putting away for me, but she never knew any details. I have his social, DOB, Birth/Death dates. Can any of this help me find out if he left me any money.




  1. That might be difficult.  I think start with the closest family members--his family.  Are you still in contact with them??  See what they know.  Where did he keep it???  In a bank--and was another name on the account besides his name.  Perhaps--it was there and gone now???  Perhaps this was something he just talked about and never got it done.  Did he have a will??  Did he have an attorney???  Did he have another wife--and/or other children.??  You might find money--but if any honest person knew about it--I think you would have been notified before now. Just random thoughts?????

  2. Unless he set up some sort of a trust fund in your name, I seriously doubt that you will be able to locate any hidden funds. Even if there is a will stating a specified amount to be given to you, you would 1st have to find it, then prove that you never received the proceeds of the will, & finally prove that there was enough money to honour the intent of the will at the time of it's execution.

    I would seek professional advice on this, probably a lawyer specializing in family law.

  3. Demand to see his will.

  4. When someone passes away, their Will has to be filed with at the courthouse where he lived when he died.  It will be a matter of public record.  Go to the courthouse in the county (or parish if in Louisiana) and request the death records and the probate of his will.

    Hope this helps.

  5. i guess you.,ll have to wait and see if a check is mail to you ?  otherwise the money already gone ?  or it could be just a rumored lie . too ?    

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