
My father will stop paying tuition for my brother, what should we do?

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Here is the situation: My brother doesn't like to talk to people and his introvert personality disappointed my father. My brother will be a senior in college when school starts and he doesn't want to quit it. He was also told to work in another state for 2 years until he could make his own tuition expenses. We've already received the tuition bill from his university and he really hopes our father could pay it, and he doesn't want to go to work without a bachelor's degree. Through some tough talks, it looked like my father has made up his mind - push my brother to work, not going to school until he made his own tuition fee. As his brother, I must help him to convince my father. I know it's gonna be hard since my father is a strict person.

Could anybody help us how to convince our father and let him pay the tuition fee? We will appreciate that. Thanks




  1. Your dad is so crazy cause your brother is going 2 school to make something out of himself not playing around with his money and if your dad decides 2 pay it he should make your brother pay him back when he gets a job.

  2. Your brother is an adult and should make up his own mind. Sounds like dad is a bit controlling.  Maybe it's time for your bro to cut the cord and get a part-time job to help pay school expenses while still attending college.  It will take longer but it will be rewarding.  You may not be able to convince your dad, your brother will just have to inform him of his decision.  

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