
My father worked died of cancer due to radiation exposure at work?

by  |  earlier

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He worked at the Seneca Army Depot in NY. This was a government job. He had soil to skin contact for a few years. He was not aware of the danger. I tryed contacting a lawyer in Ithica NY but he said it had been to long ( 2 years) i told him it took that long to greve and get the facts together. Does anyone know who i could contact, or if this lawer was just afraid to get involved with a suit with the government? Do i just give up? Now they are building a youth facility and jail on this property. What do you think?




  1. This is the environmental assessment,  not much to go on according to this.

  2. Yea, I'd suggest talking to other lawyers to see if they'd take the case.  Don't just talk to one and figure he/she knows everything, talk to at least 3 or 4 to get different ideas about what to do.

    Sorry for your loss!

  3. its two years after a doctor said it was caused by radiation

    or two years from the time that he found out it was radiation caused.

    or if this was soil with radioactive material in it and the gov did not tell anyone of the danger the time starts when your father found he had cancer and found out about the danger.

    if he did not know it starts when you find out.

    or two years from the time you believe it was cause by.

    this keeps companies from hiding dangers for years then claiming that exemploys can not sue.

    also 2 years does not apply to class action suits.

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