
My favorite horse !?

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I just read this story on the forum. Seems many horse lovers would like to talk about it. Definitely Quarter Horses, I also love lipizzaners, they are beautiful, incredible .




  1. I love all types of horses and it's hard to pick a breed because they all have their own individual personalities.  For example, I generally don't get along well with quarter horses. I ride English and I find them very downhill. However, my all time favorite school horse was a quarter horse.

    I tend to get along best with thoroughbreds and appaloosas - which are pretty different.  Thoroughbreds are extremely versatile and can be very sweet.  One of my favorite school horses was a retired race horse and I used to do dressage on him and jump him.  

    Appaloosas can be stubborn so I guess the reason I like them is that they remind me of me.  Some Appaloosas can be a little funny looking.  However, I used to get really mad at my instructor for calling one of my favorites ugly.

    Today I rode a horse the likes I had never seen before. He was black and white (sort of like a paint horse, but not quite) and had blue eyes.   I asked my instructor what type of horse he was and she was stumped. All she could say was not a purebred.

    I guess the point being even though I can generalize about the types of horses I would probably like.  They are just like generalizations. Just like people, each one is unique.

  2. My favorites are trekehners and thoroughbreds.  Trekehners are really good jumpers... I've never met a trekehner I didn't like.  Thoroughbreds are very energetic and a little high strung at times, but at least they're spirited :o)

    Paints are ok, but they all have a little bit of an attitude.

    There are some decent quarter horses, but a lot or quarters that I have ridden don't get very into it... they seem to do what I force them to do and that's it...  There's some appendixes I really like... but that's probably the thoroughbred in them.  I feel the same way about appaloosas... I've never met an appaloosa who actually seemed to like getting ridden.  Warmbloods are good... the spirit of a thoroughbred but in a shorter stockier body.

  3. Try putting this question in the pets category under horse, judging  the way you describe a horse you obviously have not been bitten, kicked, dumped, trampled & hospitalised by sodding things

  4. this is the racing section-not happy hackers club.

  5. Ok I just want to say that I have had alot of horse experiance in the past few yrs, and lipizzaners are one of the MOST EXPENSIVE AND THE MOST STRUG OUT HORSES IN THE WORLD. I would not suggest that you get a lipizzaner..
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