
My favorite website has crapped out for the evening. What will I do in the meantime, spiritually speaking?

by  |  earlier

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But R&S is soooooo second rate now. :(




  1. it crapped out on me too ..I'm on the hunt for Lime Kittehs to torment now lol all hail the emperor

  2. Me too, darn it.  Just come on here and answer Lime Kitty questions.

  3. Read some scriptures

  4. Read a book, chat with a friend, find a new website. Your spiritual life is your own, not dependent on a website. :P

  5. Pet all the Lime Kitties.  They are so adorable, but they might start watching you.


  6. If you would like to see world peace, true equality of men and women, eliminating prejudice of all kinds and much more, look at the links I am going to include. You may find a lifetime of discovery at your fingertips rather than just something to relieve the ennui of a single evening.

    Stick around. I am trying to help make R&S first rate.

  7. It's Friday - your not on computer anyway. The real you is out dancing.  

  8. try a video that will make you you know what =]

  9. Hang out with us cool kids of course :).

    ps.  I thought it was just me!  I thought the FSM was punishing me!!!


  10. Ask questions and answer questions?


    Think of it as a way to channel surf through the 'net.

    You download a toolbar for your web browser.  Hit the "stumble" button, and off you go.

    You can customize your account so that you stumble upon certain types of web sites (religion, art, photography, etc.)

  12. try meditating

  13. watch zeitgeist

  14. Speak in Tongues

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