
My fears!!??

by  |  earlier

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How do i get over a fear of the dark?? lol!!!




  1. Firstly you have to try to see the logical side of it, why would you be afraid in the absence of light? Once you have managed to convince yourself that its meaningless unless you believe in monsters lol which i highly doubt, why dnt u try to see the good side of darkness? The way i see it, darkness is a creation of nature and it helps us to rest and regain energy unlike the sun or light which makes you very lively and energetic. Darkness is beautiful, silence is golden but the best part is the sunrise hmmm LOVE the night!

  2. i just sleep with a light on. i think everyone is afraid of the dark in a way

  3. always have ur cellphone with u

  4. ♥umm.... use a nightlight and then make it dimmer and dimmer untill its completly dark(if u can do that with a nightlight)♥

  5. everyone has a phobia of something.  put a nitelite on and don't sweat it.

  6. You know one of those blind folds you use to sleep. Put one on.

  7. Use a night light and slowly ween yourself off of it?

  8. get a night light!

  9. night light

    or youcould listen to music before you go to bed to take your mind off the shadow people. *shivers*.  I've seen them too! meep!


  10. Leave the light on.

  11. I'm not sure.  A nightlight!?

    I myself have a fear of clowns.  :(
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