
My fellow Americans What are you doing to Improve our country's public image?

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We have done a lot of bad **** over the years Such as:

Dumping More CO2 than the whole world combined.

Matching the combined world military expenditure.

Not giving a **** about Global Warming

Consuming more energy per capita than anyone else

Invading countries that didn't attack us

Dragging United 'sidekick' Kingdom into that mess

Not knowing that Europe isn't a country.

Outputting people like Paris Hilton

Not caring enough to know that Europe isn't a country.

What will you do to change peoples view.




  1. Guess its time to kick Iran's you know what....

    Mind you we shouldn't have given 2 billion in aid after the horrible sunamis, and helped several million people choose their own governments rather then live in squandor of their dictators, or perhaps we should worry more about what the world thinks until after a nerve agent is released in your home town.

  2. Okay. While you drive your Prius to work (or bicycle), there are many people in this country who live rurally,  and also those who produce the precious organic vegetables with COMBINES and other fossil fuel burning engines.

    Shall we go ahead and mine Alaska for fuel?

    The Europeans are pissy because we've had a good, long run at low gas costs. Paris Hilton has nothing to do with CO2 except the power it takes to run your computer and make your replies.

    America is not a rock. We just Rock.

    Do you support NASCAR? Just a question.

  3. I'm surfing the internet looking at speeches that pretend to be questions.

  4. Vote and Participate in Government, that's what.

  5. As a Patriot, I am pointing out wrondoings by the government.

    The Founding Fathers wanted it that way.

    Patriotism comes first for true Americans.  

    The Bush Administration members can hire a Public Relations agent, and they do.

  6. Anyone that meets me & knows me personally knows I don't agree with all this insanity. I don't judge others around the world & I don't expect them to judge me.

  7. I would like to push for reverend wright to sing God Bless America during the seventh inning stretch of any nationally televised baseball game...

  8. As a high school student becoming involved in the political system, reading the likes of Plato and Aristotle, studying political philosophy, and trying to come to an understanding about why the h**l our country ended up so messed up.  That way we can change in the future.

  9. Don't blame me for that s***k Paris Hilton!

  10. I work.

    I pay taxes.

    I support the military and police.

    I don't vote for R-A-C-I-S-T.

  11. with people like paris hilton i will not help this country look good it is an individual look

  12. I'm not american but just be a little more open minded will you and if you can, travel outside of america and see the world. I've been to turkey,paris,london,south of france,italy and south africa as well as some other countries in europe :) Anyways i'm off to bed, goodnight!

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