
My fellow christians please?

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In the left behind books are there things in the bible that actually say that will happen. I know the anti-christ will come but is everything in those books actually in the bible?




  1. i beleive most of it is poetic liscense

    the jews rejected jesus because of preconceived notions. also because Pure evil seemed to have possessed the children who murdered the prophets.

    but there is a general outline that seems to be true enough, otherwise it wouldnt be a best selling series.

    however one thing to focus on is the rapture.

    it is not proven that everyone will be raptured before the tribulation.

    one thing i contend is that God will not take a person from a moving car or a pilot from a plane 35 thousand feet in the air. He could if he wanted to but he would condemn everyone on the plane to die, I dont think God would do that either.

    then you have to ask pre trib or post trib, or post millenial reign as optional theories on when jesus comes as a thief in the night. the last day or the beginning of the thousand years.  

  2. Bible is the Truth ...Hollywood is to believe the Bible,resort to your own conclusion

  3. There are prophecies in the Bible that *could* be interpreted the way they were in the Left Behind series. However, I strongly suspect that the Tribulation will *not* happen like the books. This is simply because God never seems to fulfill His prophecies the way we expect. Were the Jews expecting Jesus, the suffering Messiah? Nope. So, while the books are entertaining and definitely full of Bible prophecy, they aren't the final word on the subject and you should keep your mind open about the fulfillment of those prophecies. (However, the curses of the bowls and scrolls and trumpets and stuff *are* all in the Bible.)

  4.   Being in the bible doe not mean they are true..The bible is laced with Mythology..The antichrist and h**l is man's imagination and not God's truth..Read the words of God in the Conversations with God books by Neale Donald Walsch..No mythology,  just facts.. God bless

  5. Please be more specific, alot is movie stuff,

    what exactly are you wondering???

  6. some yes some no

    the one world governmental system


    the rapture

    no(sorry folks)

    the anti-Christ


  7. Left Behind is poppycock!

    Mat 15:14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.  

  8. I'm going to go on a limb here and assume that, at some subliminal level, this question actually makes sense to you...

  9. The best thing is not to worry about end times.

    For example in 2011 there will be massive sun spots and solar flares that will affect life on Earth.

    But it is not the end of the world (unless we can't find that solar thermostat).

    If I get hit by a beer truck tomorrow, hasn't my world already ended?

    Enjoy your now! No one can say they know.

    God love you!

  10. No.  May I suggest the Book :Bible Readings for the Home for a thorough study on the topic of the last day events.

  11. I have not read ALL of the series, nor the whole book of revelations, but yes and no is the answer.

    There will be an Antichrist, but the Bible never mentions Nicolae.

    There will be peace in the Middle East, but not in the specific way of the books.

    I see them as illustrating a possible way that the events could happen. The events seem radical, but the way it will happen will be somewhat hum-drum until people realize what's going on.

  12. If you really want to know what the Bible says read Revelations.  Its the last book.  That means its in the New Testament.  You can go directly to Chapter 23.  

  13. The left behind books are fiction.

    They are fairly good fiction...but they are fiction.

    They are somebody's idea of how events will unfold in the end times.

    You say you "know" the antichrist will come...but the Bible says he's been here all along.

    Do a search in the Bible on the term "antichrist". I think you might be surprised at what you find.

    A good site, if you don't have your own digital Bible on your computer, is:

    You can download a really cool digital Bible here:

  14. I love the Left Behind Series! I've read the whole series (except the very last book) twice. If there was another set of books (besides the Bible) that tells of things to come and what life will be like after the rapture. This is it!  Read Revelations and see the eeriness of the series. Tim La Haye and Jerry Jenkins did an excellent job bringing the book of Revelations to life. It's kind of a scared straight for those left behind and an inspiration for believers. I don't know how anyone can, after reading the Bible and then reading the series and given today's woes, believe anything else. What the Bible prophesied is coming as promised. God bless.

  15. I havent read them but Ive seen a Christian say they are accurate..

  16. For posting a question like this I am taking you off my "friends" list.

    The "left behind" books are fiction. Scary religious c**p fiction.

    The world is going to end in 2012 anyway - look it up.  

  17. actually when that series was first published the authors included a preface which said (to paraphrase it) this is not intended to be a factul work just a hypothetical situation

    furthermore there is absolutely no scripture about the rapture occuring

    the rapture doctrine started in 1831 when a woman named margret macdonald ahd a dream about it she told 2 preachers and they picked up the ball and ran with it but what they didn't say was how shesaid the dream semmed to be pure evil

    also the bible states behold i have foretold u all things. this being true i decided to look at thverse used to suppert the rapture doctrine 1thess 4:16-17 but if u back up to 13 u see paul is saying dont be ignorant like the heathens u can not get to heaven before the dead in Christ because they r already there and when Jesus returns we who remain will be caght up to meet him in the AER in greek it is also referred to as pnuema in greek or the breath of life aka spiritual body

    so i decided to look else where for evidence to disprove it because if we have been fore told all things there must be some evidence that it is false

    eze 13 clearly states  I (God) am against those who teach My children to fly to save their souls just so they (their souls) can be reaped from the air like fowl when my outstretched arms are right there

    so there is no rapture and those who teach it God is against

    so if it were me before i ever taught some1 the rapture doctrine i would do exactly as i did and try to find solid evidence proving (very flimsyan interpretation at best) or disproving (rock solid when God says he is against it)

  18. i hope the anti-christ comes back so I can punch him in the face!

  19. Please add me on yahoo I have a question about religion


  20. Not everything. Some are based on true facts, but a lot of it is purely for entertainment.

    By the way, good choice in books. :)

  21. No.  No one even considered that kind of thinking until more modern times.  All scholars before knew better.  When Christ will come, there will be a shout and a trumpet will sound.  An angel will come with a flaming sword to take vengeance on all those who refused to follow God's commands.  Then, we will all rise to meet Christ in the air and go to Heaven after the judgment.  The physical will be destroyed with fire, then eternity starts.

  22. No and there is several books that were left out all to gather, but the king james version is still the best reference to Gods word.  

  23. The bible speaks of antichrist(s). Anyone who denies Jesus is the Christ is an antichrist. The bible does not speak of anyone being left behind. Jesus will come as a thief in the night, he will meet us in the air, he will "separate them left and right." Left to h**l, right to heaven.

    The 1000 yr reign is symbolic.


  24. Do not trust these books or their author. Do some internet research on the titles and author and learn the truth.

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