
My fellow christians...?

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Who else will be do a lot of praying between now and Nov.4 to elect the Pro-life candidate? By the way, do you support Obama or McCain and why? Thanks!




  1. Ever heard of backyard abortions? They usually use a coathanger or something of the like, and tear the fetus out. Usually about half of it comes out.

    The risk of infection is incredibly high, and half the time both the mother and the fetus die.

    If a pro-life law were to be introduced, this would become so much more common.

  2. Not me

    I'm supporting Obama

  3. The abortion issue is a non issue that right wing invented to keep the ignorant fundamentalists from the real issues facing this country. NATIONAL DEBT, GLOBAL WARMING, corporate greed etc. Abortion is way down the list of important issues. If you don't believe in abortion don't get one but don't tell everyone else what to do. I don't believe in abortion I have 7 children. But it's not my business to tell others what they can and cannot do.  The reason for legal abortion is to prevent back ally abortions. If a young lady gets pregnant and gets an illegal abortion and dies how is that prolife?  

  4. Obviously anyone here who considers abortion the biggest issue won't vote democrat. O_o

  5. By pro-life do you mean keeping babies from being aborted or keeping young men and women from dying in senseless wars?... or both?

  6. I support McCain because of his life experience and I feel in my heart that he is the right man for the office of the US President at this time in History.


  7. i will be on praying. but i wont vote cause i don't like neither. obama he is fake and mckain because of irak. so i wont vote who knows waht the future will be only god knows. and remember everyday it will get worst as the bible says cause god is near.

  8. Yes,  I'll pray.


    Way WAY more experience.

    Obama's questionable honor to America and Muslim ties.

    I agree with his stand on many issues, abortion included.

  9. I'm a fence-sitter.

  10. I think they're both nuts.  I'm voting for Ron Paul whether he's on the ballot or not.

  11. I have never, and will never, vote for an anti-choice candidate.

  12. Pro life, huh? I bet you support the death penalty!

  13. I did a survey on one of the tv stations.  You pick the answers that you want to happen and they show you which candidate best fits your needs.  McCain was mine, but only by 33%.  Scary huh?

  14. Keep on praying! I heard that it works better than voting. Believe and you shall receive.

    oh by the way, mccain wants to stay in iraq, so that actual living human beings will continue to get killed at a faster rate than unconscious masses of cells.

  15. I will pray. I will also vote for McCain because Obama is a Muslim who is for Abortion(Murder) and is Anti Christian and Anti Family because he is Pro Homosexuality and Pro Hate Crimes Bill. He has also supported other Muslims Politicians in Kenya and he attended an Anti American Church that had Muslim links on it's web pages. He wants to support a global warming tax that will give our money to other Countries. He wants to tax oil companies which in turn will raise their gas prices to make up the difference. Obama will usher in a Government that is more Socialistic that will persecute Christians.

  16. yes. i don't agree with all mcains views. he is the lesser of two evils.i am pro life.obama has no experience.less than 6 months total in congress with him IN congress.


    I'm sorry but you've got to be kidding!  Should we also provide a nice, clean, sterile environment  for other murderers to do their murdering in? After all, we wouldn't want them to have to do their killing with a rusty knife or in some dirty dark alley would we.


  18. Well I don't see how a candidate who insists that we stay in an unjust war so we can "win it" and jokes about bombing Iran is pro-life, do you?

    You may want to send some of those prayers over to Darfur where there is a genocide occurring and over 400,000 have already been murdered. There's a big world outside the United States presidential race.  

  19. From what I understand, there isn't much the president can do regarding abortion law. Roe v. Wade made any anti-abortion legislation impossible. G.W. Bush has nominated justices to the supreme court such that, were a case to come up that would overturn Roe v. Wade, it probably would be overturned. What else can any president do? Given that, I support Obama because he also wants our troops out of Iraq.

  20. To be honest I will probably not do much praying on that issue although I should. I'm going through a very difficult time right now and that usually hinders my prayer life... I personally believe that John McCain will be our next president without any problems ... But if Obama were to get in office. Below is a scripture I will post to keep in mind in light of that...God is in control regardless of who are president is... God bless you !

    Proverbs 21:1

    King James Bible    

    1The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.

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