
My fellow conservatives, did Sarah Palin straight up B-SLAP the drive-by media last night or WHAT?

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  1. Oh, yes, she did! It was great!

    Yes, I just saw Obama leaving O'Reilly's interview and he looked like he was about to cry...and all he did was whine, whine, whine,,, oh dear, he really is a zero.

  2. Yes, but more than that, she did in the Liberals. I am saying this in a nice way, and am glad the Libs can't see the gloating on my face!

  3. Are you calling your Republican candidate a b*tch?  That's not cool.

  4. Yes - but more so to Obama

    My favorites from Palin's speech in describing Obama:

    * "....But listening to him speak, it's easy to forget that this is a man who has authored two memoirs but not a single major law or reform - not even in the state senate....".

    * "...I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a "community organizer," except that you have actual responsibilities..."


  5. are you really a hot hockey mom?    

  6. Yes and their lord and master was just holding a press conference where all he did was whine about the Kicking he got last night.

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