
My female ball python isn't eating and i dont know why!?!?!?

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My female ball python hasent been eating the mice we buy her from petco. They stay in her cage and we feed them bird food and carrots. her eyes arent cloudy so she isnt shedding soon, she has water, I seriously need to know what is wrong because the vet wont look at *reptilian species* because they *dont have the experience necessary to take on this task*! tips please?




  1. try robbing the mouse in garlic powder not juice only powder or if you are pkay with this go to a pets store and get a small gerbil and feed that to him

  2. dont worry.its not unusual for a ball to stop eating after they have been moved.sometimes for 6-12months. as long as they keep looking healthy its really not anything to worry about,it is however bloody annoying and i feel for you. one of mine went of there food and didn't eat for 9 months. depending on how strong your stomach is you could try splitting a mouses head open to expose the brain.this often works.also try a gerbil if you can get them.are you feeding the mice live? if so try killing them 1st as balls are very shy and often wont approach a mouse if it moving. never leave a live mouse in her viv if you arnt there,a mouse can do anuf damage to a snake to kill it.that is so important to remember.

  3. You need to see another vet...    The snake could have a throat infection or fungus that will cause it to starve to death...    I lost a python because we waited to long to find a qualified vet.

  4. never never never put mice in your snakes cage and leave them!! mice could kill your snake.  after leaving mice in your snakes cage for a while you may have problems getting your snake to eat for a while.  if the snake is older they can go for long periods of time without eating.  as long as your snake isnt losing muscle tone she will be ok.  ball pythons only eat mice or rats so dont try to feed it anything other than that.  

    to feed your snake take it out of its enclosure and put it in a feeding tub...get a palstic tub (wal mart or target) big enough for the snake to fit in it very comfortably.  drill holes in the sides of the tub at the tops for airflow.  put the snake in and then drop the food in...either live or frozen thawed that has been heated under a heat lamp after it has thawed out.  if the snake doesnt eat then put the snake back in her cage and take the mice (if they are live) back to petco and get your money back (i've had to take feeder mice back they do it all the time for me).  if the snake doesnt eat then wait a week to try to feed it again.  she should eventually eat.  also ask petco what vet they take their snakes to...surley there is a reptile vet somewhere in your area.  again get the live mice out of the snakes cage.

    good luck!!!

  5. i went through this with my female ball at one time as well. I talked to the vet about it and was told just to let her be. she will get hungry and eventually start looking around her cage for food, try to feed and if she doesn't eat, try again a few days later. make sure she always has fresh water as well!!

  6. theyll eat when theyre ready,you cant force them,it may be in a dormant stage.

  7. How large is she? When was the last time she ate? I only fed my python about once a week or every other week when she got larger. If she's hungry then she'll eat it. You might be trying to feed her too often.

    If you don't see any signs that anythign is wrong with her then wait a while and try feeding her again at a later time.

    otherwise, find a herp vet. good luck

  8. I would suggest giving her something other then mice to eat. Try giving her something new, I am pretty sure she will react to it positively. I hope this helps.

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