
My female cat cannot recognize her brother. What can I do?

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I just got both of my three year old long haired cats shaved. The female does not seem to recognize her brother now. He seems to recognize her and tries to approach her, but everytime he comes near her she growls and hisses at him. Of course they both look vastly different without hair. However, I though cats could recognize each other through smell. They both have a funky hair spray like smell from the groomers. Might this also be confusing my female? This is the first time they have been shaven. They were raised with each other since birth. They used to be very loving toward each other, but now it's like they are strangers.




  1. yep, it is just the smell. she should come around in a day or so.

  2. Just wait it out.. it is the smell and sight of him that is freaking her out. It should subside in a few days when the shampoo and such from the groomer wears off and he gets his own scent back. This happens alot, when I bring my cats to and from the vet it often takes a while for the others to recognize them again since they smell so foreign.

    PS Vanilla is an idiot who knows f-all about cats, obviously.

  3. "They both have a funky hair spray like smell from the groomers. Might this also be confusing my female?"


    This is how you fix it!  You need to get the male cat to smell like something she recognizes and likes.

    Option 1:  If you have a blanket he sleeps on, rub it on him to transfer the scent.  

    Option 2:  Take a soft cloth, like a t-shirt, and rub it on yourself (assuming the female cat likes you!) and then rub it on the male cat.  You can also rub the cloth on the female cat first and then rub it on the male.  She'll recognize her scent on him.  

  4. you are right, the cats will still recognize each other by smell.

    she is probably just upset about something.

    or maybe she thinks he is in heat and she doesnt want him


  5. Well, that was DUMB to shave them.

    Cats aren't humans, they don't have relationships like us, they might be close when they're first born but then they grow up, and grow apart.

    Who do you think you are? A cat psychologist?  

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