
My female cat just got her temperament shots and shes getting fixed will this change her behavior?

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And will her urine not smell as strong i can smell it in my litter box the minute i walk through the door. i'm hopeing maybe this will calm her down and she'll possibly leave my fish alone.




  1. buy her little remote control mouse. or put the fish in a room where she cant get em or a lid over the aquarium.

  2. getting neauterd doesn't mean ur cat's urine is going to smell less, but it will help her not to mark her territory every where she goes.and it will make her more relaxing. i'm pretty sure she's going to get calm a little but  the cat's curiosity will not change. cat's are very curious animals. they will do anything no matter what. so, i recommend putting ur fish tank or bowl where she can't reach or cover it up with something so that ur cat don't get in to it.                 hope this helped.

  3. It should help a bit. However my cat got that like 3 weeks ago and I didn't see a difference in her but she was extremely well behaved already when I got her

  4. my cat did change alot after she got spayed. She got a lot sweeter. : ) She will probably get fatter too. As far as the pee, i don't think that changes. But you should get a different kind of litter. I use equine fresh, it is condensed saw dust pellets for horses but i use that as the litter and it does not smell at all. It is all natural too. : )  

  5. I think you mean distemper shot.  But anyway, if she's been in heat before, then yes, spaying her will make her much more calm.  In general it does calm them and make them much better pets.  For the urine, I think it makes more of an impact on the males' stink but it probably helps with the females too.  But another type of litter may also help.  I never thought my girl's pee smelled all that strong before or after she was fixed - I use Feline Pine, it handles the odor really well.

    But she'll probably always be interested in your fish.  

  6. It will likely calm her down a bit.  But if she's young, age will do more to calm her down than the procedure will..

    Depending on her age, you may or may not smell a big difference in urine.. What I suggest is getting a good clumping litter and scooping the box every day.

    Also, leave windows open in the house.. I have a tiny apartment and two cats with a litterbox, and scooping once a day and leaving windows open works WONDERS for the smell..

    Put the fish where she can't get to it.. Cats are predators.. fixing her isn't going to change this, sorry..

    But she still needs to be fixed.

  7. My female cat mellowed out slightly.. she's still the same soft cuddley little cat though :-)... If your cat is getting into the fish bown just spray her with a water gun.. Don't soak her, but just give her a little squirt, and she'll quickly learn that if she plays with the fish shes going to get water squrited at her. Thanks for being responsible and spaying your cat!

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