
My female friend is wearing dance shoes, and her feet stink. is this common?

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My female friend is wearing dance shoes, and her feet stink. is this common?




  1. yeh feet sweat a lot during dane, i've been dancing for about 11 years.  Spray it with some lysol or oust and she should be all set, make sure she is wearing socks, cause if not, she will get blisters and stinky shoes/feet


  2. O My God. If you walked into my dance studio locker room you would pass out. It is definitely common because your feet sweat .

  3. for sure feet smeel in dance shoes since well we dance in them and theres no way u can stop it YOUR NOT TO WEAR THICK SOCKS IN DANCE SHOES SO YAH THEY WILL SMELL

  4. mine do!

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