
My female guppies is pregnant very pregnant and her gravid area where the fry are is red what does that mean??

by  |  earlier

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Usually its black with eyes and now its red?




  1. That means she's closer to giving birth. The more red and pink the closer she is to delivering. if it's black then she's got awhile to give birth.

  2. No problem.  


  3. That is just definantly normal, but i do DOT recommend to remove them into a smaller tank. Just put plants and decor into your current tank, so fry can hide. My guppy was pregnant a week ago, i moved it into a smaller tank and it died under stress, fry did not come out of its belly either. I cut its belly and there were 20 dead guppy fry. Thus, keep it in your current tank it can release fry peacefully, you may buy a breeding box from a petstore so your fry won't get eaten.

  4. That's fine ......all of mine turn that colour

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