
My female guppy has a dark spot for many days i want fry?

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my female guppy has a dark spot for many days and what are the symptoms of preganancy i want fry please help me i want babies




  1. The guppy is extremely easy to breed. all you need is a well-functioning heater, filter and a pair of guppies. Make it two for safety. The heater should be on to around 78 degrees fahrenheit. You'll have breeding guppies in no time! And if you buy guppies of the same kind, (that is, red ones ONLY or blue ones ONLY) You can sell your "pedigree" fry back to the shop! It really is worth doing as guppys breed EXTREMELY FAST [and you might get overun if you don't]

    Symptoms are; the trademark dark spot you have on your guppy right now, and the classic swelling. This means your guppy is already pregnant =]

    Guppies give birth to live young, so make you have some food for them. I can recommend "LiquiFry" Also make sure you have some plants for them to hide inside, or the parents will actually eat them. Although you'll still be in positive numbers.

    Since I didn't really understand the question I just gave as much information on guppy breeding as I could. I hope I helped!

    Atrataitoshi =]

  2. she will probably die before she gives birth due to your last questions stocking list

    4 male guppies,4 balloon mollies,2 dalmation mollies,2 sword tails,2 angel fish,6 neon tetras ,2 platies and one female in 1 gallon tank help!

  3. The dark spot means she is very much pregnant and the fatter she is, the closer she's coming to having them! Be very patient and don't change much in her environment because too much stress might cause her to re-absorb the eggs and not have the fry.

    It takes about a month for her to have the babies after she got pregnant. Make sure you have lots and lots of plants for the babies to hide in or you can just put them in another tank. Call around at the local pet stores and maybe some of your friends to see if they will take the babies when they are all grown up, which takes two to three months.

    You can feed them liquid food but I don't recommend it. I used it for my first batch of fry and it clouded up the tank really badly and I wasn't able to clean it because the babies would get sucked up in the siphon. You can either crush up regular flakes into almost dust or you can buy fry food that is already that small. I find that works best.

    Good luck!

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