
My female molly looks like she's about to pop...

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so I know she's to have babies soon. However, I have no breeding net nor another filter for a second aquarium, however I DO have another aquarium. (just no filter)

Is it possible for me to move my female molly into the second tank until she has her babies, and then precede to change an amount of water in the second aquarium like, 3-4 times a day to ensure air is in the water? Or switch the filter between the tanks every so often?

...what can i do?

I will be getting a 2nd filter in about a week, but I'm positive my molly will have the babies within 2 days.

I don't want the babies to all get eaten, I want to at least try to keep some alive. :/




  1. Your chances of survival for the fry are about the same either way.  Just make sure your tank has hiding places.  I never remove fry and constantly have to give them away.  The key is to not have your tank overstocked and make sure it is well planted.


  2. it would be possible, water changes would be needed to keep the quality top notch, and oxygen may be a problem depending on the size, if its really large, you could try and keep the water level lower, so its got a large surface area to diffuse oxygen into the water.

    moving the molly may induce pregnancy, and dont forget to acclimatise her, so float her in a bag or summat, and slowly mix the two waters.

    if your original tank is planted, and she births in there, some may survive by hiding in the plants and eating the accumulated food.

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