
My female rat just had babies ?

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and i was wondering when you should start handling them ?




  1. You should not handle the babies yet! Your action might harm the babies and change its scent thus confuses the mother. She will think that they are not hers, abandon them and worst she might even eat the babies. Not to cause any stress to the mother, avoid cleaning up the cage within this period.

    After this two weeks ‘vital’ period, you can hold them but only for a brief period as not to disturb or stress the mom or babies. You should make sure to rub your hands in the bedding to get the scent on you, which will keep the mother from being threatened. You can also clean up the cage and place fresh beddings in most of it. Remove just the soiled parts in the nest area and put a good portion of the old bedding in it. Put the babies back in the nest after it is cleaned up followed by the mother.

    For the first nine to ten days of life, your baby hamsters will get all the nutrition they need from mother’s milk. After that, you can start offering soft foods, like breads, cooked or grated veggies, or fresh fruits to supplement the milk. By about two weeks old, the baby hamsters will start sampling the regular hamster mix. By four weeks of age, the babies should be weaned from mother’s milk and be eating normal hamster food and treats. Keep an eye on how much water your babies drink, too; they should be drinking plenty of water from the bottle by four weeks.

    At three weeks, you can separate the babies if you observe any fighting among them but if they seem immature, less developed and not quite independent enough to leave mom just yet, let them stay together until they are four weeks old. When they reach five weeks old, independent and have a healthy development, they can be placed in new homes and play in new surroundings and environment.

  2. You should not handle the babies yet! Your action might harm the babies and change its scent thus confuses the mother. She will think that they are not hers, abandon them and worst she might even eat the babies. Not to cause any stress to the mother, avoid cleaning up the cage within this period.

    After this two weeks ‘vital’ period, you can hold them but only for a brief period as not to disturb or stress the mom or babies. You should make sure to rub your hands in the bedding to get the scent on you, which will keep the mother from being threatened. You can also clean up the cage and place fresh beddings in most of it. Remove just the soiled parts in the nest area and put a good portion of the old bedding in it. Put the babies back in the nest after it is cleaned up followed by the mother.

    For the first nine to ten days of life, your baby hamsters will get all the nutrition they need from mother’s milk. After that, you can start offering soft foods, like breads, cooked or grated veggies, or fresh fruits to supplement the milk. By about two weeks old, the baby hamsters will start sampling the regular hamster mix. By four weeks of age, the babies should be weaned from mother’s milk and be eating normal hamster food and treats. Keep an eye on how much water your babies drink, too; they should be drinking plenty of water from the bottle by four weeks.

    At three weeks, you can separate the babies if you observe any fighting among them but if they seem immature, less developed and not quite independent enough to leave mom just yet, let them stay together until they are four weeks old. When they reach five weeks old, independent and have a healthy development, they can be placed in new homes and play in new surroundings and environment.

    Good luck!

  3. Yikes, how did that happen? Came home from the pet store pregnant?

    You can start handling them from day one. Give her a little while alone with them after she's done having them and the check that each is nursing. You will be able to see a small band of white in their bellies called the milk band. If you see this on them, it means they are nursing well.

    If mom is overprotective, simply remove her before handling the babies. Socializing them from day one will ensure they become well socialized pets later in life.

    More information:

    Edit: Animal Helper did you even read? It's a rat, not a hamster. Rats are not like hamsters, they will not typically harm or eat their young when they are handled.

  4. you should start hadling them when they start to grow there fur,and start handling them when they open there eyes.

  5. I wait only 24 hours for the mom to adjust. Make sure and check for the milk bands! :) But I handle my ratty pups everyday from day 2 on. I try not to keep them out for more than 15 minutes or so and make sure they are kept warm, not near a draft or A/C unit. I also make sure my mommy gets a mommy break! Poor thing getting sucked on all day! I take my mommy out 2x a day for 30 minutes each time. this is the best time to check on the babies. Good luck!

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