
My ferret doesn't p**p in corners. Is there something wrong with him?

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He just backs up in the middle of my floor, and just lets it rip. Is there any way to stop this? Or is there anything wrong with him?




  1. Do you have corner litter boxes for him? Is he young? He might just need a little help. Mine needed to be supervised in the beginning. I would always leave just a little #2 in the litter box. Just a reminder (hey do it here!). Maybe make his play area a little smaller until he gets the hang of it? I had a LOT of litter boxes in the beginning. And mine liked to "go" in the walk in shower??


    I just found this, it tells you how to train with newspaper? I never tried that.

  2. i had this problem with one of mine, all i had to  do is when you see them sniffing around try to hurry up and get them to the litter box before they start to go. it worked for me but every now and again you gotta help them out.

  3. Have you reaserched on them?

    Ask the vet.

    Maybe its scared of something...have a small box and when it needs to go just stick him in the box!

  4. do a research.

  5. It may mean you got him from a bad breeder.... but is he not litter box trained???

  6. They don't always go in corners, so there's nothing wrong with him for not going in a corner. I have one ferret now that will stand upright with her front feet on the back of the litterbox and go right in the middle of the litterbox. As for getting him litter-trained, it can be difficult. Some aren't too bad and catch on rather quickly, but some are more difficult and stubborn when it comes to using a litterbox. To train mine, I just watched them as much as I could. When I noticed them doing the infamous back up, I'd grab them and put them in the nearest litterbox (it helps to have several litterboxes around). Some will pretend to go and jump out. If yours does this, just keep putting him in the box until he does go (they can only hold it for so long). When he finally does go, reward him with some nice words and/or his favorite treat. He should start to catch on and use the box, but remember, most ferrets are never 100% when it comes to using the box. Most will have accidents.

  7. Well, the only time my ferrets don't p**p in the litter box is when they just miss it... haha.

    But it might just be that your ferret isn't trained yet--is he young? Or did you just not train him...?

  8. I promise you that no ferret has ever 100% been potty trained!!! Mine are pretty good about using their litter boxes (I have one in EVERY corner of my room!) but I always find little surprises every once and a while...its inevitable!

    They have very short digestive tracks and since they sleep for long periods of time, when they wake up sometimes that just have to go that bad and their mind is flustered lol

    Its TOTALLY normal though, dont worry!!!

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