
My ferret hasn't moved in four days?

by  |  earlier

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Well, I was going to feed my ferret last week, but I had to go to my friend Jenny's house, and Jenny was all like, "Ted likes you!" and I'm like "SHUT UP!" and she's all like "Kelly and Ted sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" and I'm all like "I hate you Jenny, I'm not you're friend anymore!" and I went to Keith's house and he's all like, "Will you go out with me?" and I'm all like, "Ew!" and I went home.




  1. ok, youive got problems, i know this is theork of a troll.... your not funny so u might aswellstop it now.

  2. Ok, wtf is your question then?

  3. You don't deserve to live

  4. well either ur ferret is dead, or depressed that he wont move. u might want to touch it or pick it up . just to make  sure that its not dead ok.

    good luck<3

  5. wat r u trying to tell all of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. did u tell ur ferret that two because hes probley dead from all that info

  7. Maybe it's an ex-ferret.

  8. Sounds like your ferrett is either passed away or is very ill

    please check on him

  9. Anything you said after "I was going to feed my ferret last week" doesn't really apply to this category and has nothing to do with your ferret.  Um, but to answer your question:

    If you haven't fed it since last week and it hasn't moved for 4 days, it's probably dead.  Sorry.

  10. i feel bad for your ferret. you didn't take care of it and i hope the guilt rides on you forever and i hope ted doesn't like you and if this is a joke you are a sick person.

  11. A useless answer for a useless question.

    Yay free two points

    Your ferret is  dead to the max lulz.

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