
My ferrets stool is bloody, help?

by  |  earlier

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So i just got home from work, and noticed my ferret had a slightly bloody stool. My boyfriend said he's been acting fine but i'm really concerned. i know he hasn't been stressed out lately and he did just go to the vet 2 days ago for his rabies shot. If he's still bloody tomorrow then he's going to the vet right away, but should i be too concerned for now?




  1. There should be an emergency vet clinic in your area, and often vets have an after hours emergency number. Assuming this is not a large amount of blood, there could be several causes. Is it possible that your fuzzy has ingested something that has caused a blockage? I lost a ferret to that many years ago. I highly recommend that you contact a vet as soon as possible and try to collect a stool sample if possible to bring with you (store it in a container and keep it cooled).

    Also, are you sure it is blood? Could your fuzzy have eaten something with red food coloring in it? Popsicle? Jello?

  2. go to google and type in ferret/medical and hopefully that helps if not please take the little guy/gal to your vet first thing ,good luck.

  3. he is sick

    go to the doctor

  4. it could be an ulcer. you could give him a little pepto 'til the vet sees him. when my 5 year old got an ulcer she was dosed with amoxicillin and pepto and it helped. if it is an ulcer though he should go quickly. well, regardless he should go quickly. take him as soon as possible.

  5. I'm sorry your weasel is sick. If its bright red and there is only a little then it's probably no big deal. Check tomorrow. I there is still blood go to the dr.

    Go to the Dr. right away if there is a profuse amount of blood

  6. maybe you should bring it now?

  7. sick.

  8. call an emergency vets.

    itll cost more but thats pretty serious.  

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