
My fiance beat me. he's going to counseling now. do you think he will do it again?

by  |  earlier

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Thats out of his character. we have a good line of communication so I have mixed emotions about the whole thing.




  1. i don't know what happened but it's not my business but like you will know if he is going to hit you again but you need to watch what happens with him because he could get done really badly for hitting you

  2. yes he will.

    imagine how you will feel if he does it when you have 2 kids and are out of work......

  3. I really cant appreciate your situation because of lack of detail but obviously hitting someone you love is wrong. I am trained in anger management counselor so I have worked with men like him. Some do change and some never do it depends on the person. What I can tell you is that counseling for these problems take time to help and correct. You need a break from him while he helps himself. He needs to help himself before he can be with someone else. I personally could not live my whole life with someone that could have so little respect for me that they could hit me but I understand how you feel about just walking away....Good luck I hope it works out the way you want it to.

  4. If  you have to ask, you don't trust him. You can't have a happy relationship without trust. You have answered this question for your self,.

  5. His real character have been revealed..he beat you! You don't just beat up someone because it's not their character. Get out now or you can wait for the next beating. I wish you the best. :-)

  6. forget about him u deserve better trust me  

  7. I would definitely postpone the wedding.

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