
My fiance car was stripped by the American's at the American/Canada border! Has this happen to you before?

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Both my fiance and I are american citizens. I was born in Michigan and he was Born in Russia. Yesterday we got into Canada perfectly fine. No problems. However when we tried to get back into the United States, there was a problem. They had is citizenship papers and his passport. They were like, where were you born..He said Russia.How Old were you when you came to the United States..He said 11..Then the officer said get out of your car, turn off your engine,pop your trunk and give me your keys...Then he proceeded to search Him and his car. Nothing was found...We were only in canada for 2 hours. We brought nothing into canada and when we left, we only had 2 cans of pop...Has this ever happened to you and if so..Tell me your story.




  1. I've heard worse stories of border guards at both sides physically stripping the car apart, and refusing to put it back together after discovering no contraband.

    It happens.

  2. Before I moved to Canada, I was there virtually every weekend visiting my then Canadian finance. Going into Canada was NEVER an issue. Getting back in to the USA was ALWAYS a hassle. I had a spanking brand new car and I got the same treatment as you did. They utterly destroyed my trunk,my rear seat,and my centre console.(did I mention it was BRAND NEW?) I was held there for 2+ hours for NOTHING. You would think this would be a one time thing, but no, it happened 3 different occasions. This was in addition to the numerous other times I was 'selected' for questioning. Even when they saw my military ID, it made no difference. If they treated  a white/Mexican former US Marine that way, I feel sorry for everyone else, because there is OBVIOUS racial profiling.

  3. American border guards = idiots that treat everyone as if they were extremists.

  4. my husband and his son (both canadians) were searched the same as you but coming back from the states to canada

    its just random  dont worry too much about it

  5. Yes, it's happened to me. I'm born and raised Canadian. I was visiting a town where I had a house rented out which needed some work, and on the way back home decided to drive through the US, for variety and a little shopping. I was driving my van which is a work truck so it had all my usual tools in it plus stuff I needed for working on the house and for camping which is how I usually travel when the weather's good, even if it is a 'business' trip. The US border guard decided it looked as if I was living in the van, and that I was planning on 'living' in it in the US. So the dog and I had to get out and wait while they looked into all the boxes and bags in the van. It took at least 45 minutes. He really wanted to find something but I didn't have anything I shouldn't have. I thought it was pretty funny that he thought I was living in the van. I didn't get around to having to tell him I owned 3 houses in Canada so had no need to live in a car, but since then when I cross the border I take all my property tax and utility bills with me in case I have to prove that I am fairly firmly rooted in Canada.  

  6. We got the car stripped out going into Canada. We think it was because we said - truthfully -  that we had bought nothing in the US and it was right before Xmas.

    Now we always buy something small and declare it.

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