
My fiance is a illegal immigrant been here since he was eight we need a form of id for marriage liscence?

by Guest58402  |  earlier

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He was brought over here by his mother and with a visa.problem is his visa expired in 2004. The people at the mexican consular said they need his birth certificate and a pic ID he has the birth certificate but not the ID that is why he needs the Matricula in the first place what should i do.




  1. If he came over here illegally, meaning without a legal visa to begin with, he will have to return to his home country and file for a visa and follow the regular steps already in place.  If he came over here on a visitors / student visa he may be able to file for residency and become legal while remaining in the United States.

  2. Getting married is not going to make him legal.  The government has already split up other couples were half the union was illegal.

    He overstayed his Visa, his status is illegal.  He will have to go back to Mexico and apply for residency.  

  3. He is illegally here and needs to go back to his own country and get his citizenship in order there before becoming legal here.   One cannot make legal out of one that is illegal.

  4. go back to mexico with your illegal alien fiance. and don't come

  5. go to sams they will sell you a membership, that you get a pic id with, and great deals

  6. He can use his birth certificate and school records to get the Matricula. However, you don't need that particular ID to get married (although it would certainly help). If you marry in Nevada, you can use the birth certificate (provided that it is translated in English and certified by a notary public - none of which is difficult) along with pretty much any photo ID (including a membership card to Costco or Sams Club).

    You can learn more if you check out Nevada marriage license requirements. Another state that is pretty lenient regarding this issue is California.

    EDIT: Interesting how everyone seems to have an OPINION even when you didn't ask for one. Don't listen to the morons who said that he'd have to go back to Mexico first in order for you two to get married or that the gov't is going to break up your marriage or whatever. All of that is FALSE. I have worked in enough law offices (dealing directly with immigration attorneys) to tell you otherwise. In fact, any decent attorney worth his license will tell you that since he is already here it is best advised that the two of you marry. It is only AFTER the two of you marry and you decide you'd like to help him become a citizen by filing the I-130 application that he will have to return to Mexico to wait approval (unless the next Presidential candidate actually does grant Amnesty. Now THAT would be a whole new ball game).

    Check out for more information.

  7. There is nothing you can do except break it off and find a nice man who isn't a criminal. Even if you do get married he will eventually be caught, deported and banned from this country. Marriage wont change that.

  8. Might as well hire a lawyer, you are going to need one at some point.  Like when he is finally caught or you try to get him legal.  Aiding an illegal should draw a deportation punishment for citizens too!

  9. Maybe he should look up the definition of "Illegal" then he should go back to mexico and apply for citizenship the legal way.  

  10. Just because u came here with ma is no reason to take our jobs and pay no tax all this time u have been here pay your back taxes and we'll think about it

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