
My fiance is facing deportation hearing?

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my fiance is facing a deportation hearing in september

i had my greencard for 7 years, and i was eligible for naturlization, but i was lazy to do it.

recently, my fiance was caught with something,

and she has to go to deportation court on september for hearing. it seems that if she has no legitimate documentation to support her stay, she will get deported. her lawyer said that if she gets married to a citizen, and he brings his certificate along with their marriage cert, the judge can adjust her status. However, i'm currently a greencard holder. If i apply for citizenship now, and keep the copy of the application and get married soon to her, and show up to court together, is there anyway that she gets to stay here? or buy us some time until my citizenship actually processes?

please help me, i cant let her go




  1. She has already been ordered to deportation court as an illegal alien.  Marriage now, especially since you are not a citizen, triggers a marriage fraud investigation, which could get both of you deported.  You cannot get citizenship fast enough to beat the September court date.  Marriage to a legal permanent resident takes 5 years until she can enter on a spousal visa during which she must remain in her own country.

    She should not have violated immigration laws or terms of her visa.  It is highly unlikely that she can avoid deportation and a bar to re-entry.  Her best option is voluntary departure prior to the court date -- she will probably get a shorter bar to re-entry.

  2. Move with her,That way you two can be together.

  3. I know someone who went through something similar. She might be able to give you some advice. Email me

  4. Too late, you snooze you lose. She is getting deported and judges don't have the power to grant green cards to illegals that get caught. If you want to plan, get a companion fare ticket and accompany your fiance back home.

    Tell yourself you'll do better next time.

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