
My fiance is having sever back pain and cramps at 38 weeks, but the hospital sent her home...?

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this was yesterday night and the pain has not eased at all, what should we do, she is layind down at the moment. but we dont know what to do because the hospital sent us home, she is 38 weeks pregnant with fourth baby.

please help :]

BTW this is her account i am on




  1. She needs to call her dr asap and see what is going on!

  2. maybe she was sent home cause she wasnt dilated. those are signs that she may be comming to labor soon so be careful. This happens when your baby is preparing and is in positon for the big day!

  3. just because shes having cramps doesnt mean they will want her in,  they must be happy she is ok and not in labour at the moment, they only normally want you to go in when contractions have started, it could just be a bad case of braxton hicks with a trapped nerve! ive got this at 23 weeks! ive been told to rest and relax, all she can do is rest and relax, if her waters break/ contractions start, call your midwife and when they get close together go in to hospital.  

  4. its not uncommon to have backpain at 38 weeks and nothing make it go away. they sent her home because she isnt in labor. Nothing you can do until she is in actual labor

  5. I had to go in a couple nights ago because of some pain.  There isn't anything they can do for her if she's not really in labor.  I was told I was dialated a centimeter on the outside but not on the inside and that I was merely experiencing back labor and just some slightly heavier braxton hicks.  There is nothing that they can do but have her wait it out.  It's painful, and it sucks.  I've been sore for 3 days now like this.  Just have her take a warm shower or bath and tylenol if it gets too bad.  It can be signs of EARLY labor (as in it may be another couple of days before anything happens kind of early) so keep an eye on her.  Time all contractions if it gets bad enough.  If you want, do what others said and talk to the dr in the morning, but really there isn't anythin they can do either.  It's all a part of the baby getting ready to come out.  Painful and annoying, but worth it in the end:)

    Good luck and congrats!

  6. I definitally think you should go to another hospital and get a second opionion. It sounds like labor to me, how often are the cramps and back pain? If the cramps are 5 minutes apart or less its time to head for the doctors for sure, but back pain generally indicates that shes dialayting inwhich they generally dont start the birthing procedures till shes about 8 or so. Its good shes laying down and resting, but maybe you should be looking for other hospitals in the area so you can get more indepth answers.

  7. Did they check her?  It could be back labor (which is awful!!).  Call the dr in the morning to see if she can come in to be looked at.

  8. all u can do is wait and call her doctor n the morning when they open

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