
My fiance is interested in joining the Air Force, and I have several questions. Help!?

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He's interested in joining, and as far as I can tell, it will be nothing but beneficial to the both of us. I am curious, however, since we aren't married yet, how it will all work out. I know that during basic, he goes alone and I stay home. Will he get the housing allowance while he's in basic to help out at home? And when must we marry in order for me to go with him where he is stationed? Any helpful tid bits about the Air Force would be much appreciated.

Another question, I am already a registered nurse. Would I, as a civilian, be able to get a job on base?




  1. My bf just left for army basic. Since you aren't married yet, you have no rights to anything air force. While he's at basic all he can do is write you and call when he can. You can write him everyday. After that, when he is stationed, unless your married you can't live on base with him. And you cant use any of the benefits till you are married.

  2. You could probably get a job as a nurse on the base instead of wherever you work right now

  3.   First you've got to get married before you can receieve any benifits from the air force.You may be able to live on base,if houseing is available.If not you will get a housing allowence to live off base.They base the allowence on the rentals in your area,My grandson is station at travis AB in Calf. and recenly got married. They live on base,and she found a job off base in two weeks.You shouldn't have any problem finding a job in the medical field.

  4. Before you get married, he'll most likely be staying in the dorm on base, with no extra allowance. For any extra money, you would have to be married. The same goes if you want to be officially staying with him wherever he is stationed, better chances if you're married (especially when he gets stationed overseas). Plus, once you're married, the military usually does a good job in helping you find a job, either on or off base.

    Good luck!

  5. As answered above, you have no "rights" under the military (nor can he receive any kind of allowances to "help out") until and unless you are married.  You can get married at any point, and he can then petition the military to have you moved to be with him (at the military's expense), but be aware that, especially if he's overseas, there may be both requirements for a service commitment (for example, an unaccompanied tour overseas for single Airman is typically two years, while an accompanied tour (allowing the spouse/children to join the Airman at the location) is three years), and potential restrictions (another example: When I was stationed in Germany, my family could not join me until I had a signed and approved (by the military) housing contract.)  A note: If he's stationed CONUS (Continental US - the 48 contiguous states, not including Hawaii or Alaska) you could move to be with him yourself at your own expense, but he STILL might not be allowed to move off-base, and if he did so without permission (known as "ghosting" in the barracks), he'd not receive any housing allowance (BAH) until/unless he actually receives permission to do so.

    Regarding you working at an MTF (Military Treatment Facility) - you MAY be able to apply for employment wherever your husband is stationed, but each base has its own policies/procedures regarding civilian employment.  If they do allow it, you may receive preference because your husband is military.

    Good luck to both of you; I hope this helps! Feel free to contact me if you have any more questions; I'd be glad to try to help...

  6. Yes you prob can

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