
My fiance is wanting to get into civil war reenacting based in North Carolina, How does he get into it?

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My fiance is really into the civil war and has been wanting to do reenactments all his life. What are the typical annual dues and how many meetings and reenactments do the typical units have? Also, is there anything that I can do, I am not interested in the fighting bit but would like to have some part in the period reenactment with him, any suggestions?




  1. Most reenactors are very friendly to new-comers.  

    Different groups vary.  His best bet is to ask around at the next one.  Some people focus on just one battle, while others travel around to all the battles that group does.  

    Re-enactors are VERY open to questions and love to encourage interest in their activity.

    There are roles for women.  I was a spectator at the Gettysburg one last week, and they always have women there, dressed in period clothing or acting as "nurses".  Probably a lot more than were there, actually, but its a way to get us involved.  The Gettysburg reenactment had a marriage ceremony there this year.  

    I think it is harder to get into the group of women reenactors (who act as women), however, because they want to keep it as authentic as possible and there just weren't many women there.  

    I know several women who dress and act as male soldiers.

  2. Well the first thing he must do is consider what  he wants to be.A common soldier for either side is easiest to outfit .It is also the best way to learn the ropes.You must expect to purchase a enfield or springfield re pro musket, along with  all the accoutrement's.Also a uniform, shirts,shoes, tent,blankets, great coats,eating utensils, storage boxes,ground cloths,candles, lanterns etc..The best way to get this stuff is when your at a local reenactment talk to the  folks, and ask where they are getting their things. At most reenactments, sutlers are there selling all these things. Dues are usually very low. each unit has required events they expect you to do each year. As for your role, well there  are some choices. You can be a camp follower, a nurse, someones wife( mostly officers) a soldier( better look masculine) or best choice is a cook.That way your expected around the campfire almost always. This is not to say that all the other choices  would not be alright . If your more of a dainty soul, wait for the Saturday night ball, where you can dress to the nines, and show off your dancing, and period dresses too. Good luck with this, its a great hobby, and you'll meet the best , and most well read historians about this era.

  3. The quartermastershop a topline CW sutlers has a very long list of reenactment groups by state. It's in the source box. Many of which are quite civilian (family) oriented. Other roles for women are members of the various Ladies Aid Leagues and the U S Sanitary Commision, U S Christian Commision as well as nurses,company laundresses etc. There were some women serving in the ranks but upon discovery were discharged. The 10ft rule seems to mbe the norm at most events. (have to look like a man at 10ft) LOL Good luck to the both of you. Units always recruiting.

    reenactor/living historian: Union Navy/Union artillery

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