
My fiance lets her teenage son get under our covers. I dont think its appropriate for him to be in our bed.

by  |  earlier

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Her son is 17 years old with ADHD, so she babies him a bit.




  1. He is too old for this. Good luck*

  2. no not at all

    he should get meds and otherwise not be treated differently, she will make him dysfunctional

    adhd today is not a big thing, its controlable and they can live perfectly normal lives

  3. ok. if he was around like 13 or younger that would be fine. but 17?!?!?  get him on meds and kick him out! thats disgusting. poor kid.

  4. THe kid's 17 years old.  Its very weird for him to be there with you.  Dump her and the kid.  You dont want that.

  5. what kind of a parent are you??? your 17 year old wants to sleep with you so let him! he has adhd gosh!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Run , run as fast as you can away from these permanently troubled waters the die is cast too deep to be changed.  No it is not appropriate and the son would always and forever resent you and most likely seek to sabotage your relationship with his true love (he owns her).

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