
My fiance says i dont talk with him but i dont understand what to talk. can u please help me?

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My fiance says i dont talk with him but i dont understand what to talk. can u please help me?




  1. Hey i am boy  I also have fiance  but  I donot like  her becos she is some 6yrs younger than me.  I cannot consider her as my wife  becos  I only took her  , made to sleep, when she was a baby  so i cannot imagine her as my wife.

  2. are you kidding? what do you mean you don't understand what to talk about with him? he's your man. if he's the one your in love with and totally committed to him then you should talk to him about everything. no relationship can survive without communication. its soooo important. tell him you love him, tell him what you did today, tell him what colour knickers you are wearing, tell him how you're feeling.  

  3. I'm a bit worried that you have a fiance and you don't know what to say.  Being able to communicate with your partner is rather important.  Sharing with someone is all part of a relationship.  Get this sorted out before you go any further otherwise everything might fall apart later.

  4. communication is essential in relationships, and even if twin souls don't need many words you still have to talk to each other. maybe your fiancee needs reassurance about your feelings. besides, two people are together because they have something in common, anything, so try to identify what you have in common and talk about that. if you don't talk your fiancee may interpret this as lack of interest or lack of love.

    anyway, if you're not the talkative type, find other ways of "talking"- body language can be more relevant than words sometimes...

  5. he probably means that you dont have many intimate conversations or tell him things that you randomly have been thinking about like little silly things that your guys could have a meaningless 2hr convo about. talk to him like he's your best friend and have fun with it. i mean he should be along the line of that anyway if you twwo want to get married. good luck and remember just have a meaningless conversation even if its as silly as bugs bunny or tom and jerry and why they cant get along lol

  6. just call him and talk. sweet nothings. just spend time togetehr, things will take shape. it is more towards being together and looking for each other.

  7. Just continue to be a good listener, and don't worry that you have nothing to say. I'm actually very quiet around people I don't know. Make sure you feel comfortable with him, otherwise it is rather hard to converse with someone, especially if you may not know them well. Just keep nodding at all the right places, and if he asks you why you're not talking, just say that you're thinking about what he's just said, or say that you really have nothing to add. After all, honesty is the best policy!

    Hope that helps! Good Luck!

  8. OMG, you need help.  Okay, I thought of an idea.  Whisper in his ears "I am crazy for you.  I fantasize about you tearing my clothes off and making passionate love to me.  I count the minutes until I see you again, and only fantasize about you undressing me and kissing me from head to toe, and sending me off into pleasures that no woman has ever experienced."  After a few more sentences like this, he won't be listening to you anymore, and all you will have to do is moan, and then you won't have to worry about talking.

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