
My fiance spent more money on an X Box 360 elite than he did on my engagement ring!?

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Don't get me wrong...I am happy with what I got, but then again it kinda makes me wonder why he spent so little compared to the X Box 360 elite he just bought. At the time that he bought my ring he didnt have a good job, which he does I just being picky and unappreciative? or should I feel like he doesnt care as much?




  1. I can't believe people would actually be upset by this?

    You even said it yourself that at the time he bought the ring, he didn't have a good job. And now that he does, he spent some money on something else.

    So are you going to be mad now if he goes out and buys something else that's worth more than the ring? Are you always going to get upset now whenever he buys something more expensive than it?

    It's SO absolutely materialistic it's sickening.

    Seriously, who cares how much is spent on the wedding ring. I would've been just as happy to have gotten a cheapo little ring. It's not the ring you should be concerned with at all. The ring is only just a small nothing compared to what marriage is supposed to be about and for anyone to even say that they would be upset, just shows what kind of money grubbing shallow person they are.

    I know that's harsh, but it's my honest opinion. It is absolutely ridiculous to be upset over something like this.

    Now if he bought them both at the same time, MAYBE that would be cause to getting upset, but still.. not to a degree of even questioning if he cares or not.

  2. The two things have absolutely nothing to do with one another. He's a single man, and can spend his money as he chooses.

    You're sounding selfish and immature... thinking that money equals caring.

  3. a) The time he gave it, he didn't have a good job. so he coudn't get a good one.

    b) maybe he thinks that it doesn't matter, that the thought counts and not the size. On the other hand, xbox is something that can be used!

    It's ok, maybe you could indirectly say it in conversation if it keeps bothering you.

  4. I am not for sure if you can put any value on a wedding ring.  A wedding rings value is not determined by the price it costs or how much was spent to purchase it.   The value of this ring has NO price value.  I would have a tendency to worry more about what your feelings are truly for him because if you sincerely are worrrying about how much money he spent on your ring then maybe there is more then meets the eye.  Maybe you need to take some time and re-evalute this relationship and make sure this is truly what you want.  You pointed out that he didn't have a good job.  Are you for it or against it?  You have to make up in your mind what is more important in your life.  Don't let things get in the way of your happiness. YOU control your destiny.

  5. You already know the answer to the question....

    When he bought the ring, he didn't have money.... Now, he's got a job....

    If it bothers you that much, why don't you tell him to go with you to the jewelry store, and get your ring 'upgraded', now that he can afford it....

  6. out of all the women in the world he picked you. he asked you to marry him, of course he cares!!

    you should cherish the ring, it's a symbol of his love. who cares what he spent on it. love has nothing to do with money.

  7. In his opinion, he probably thinks the XBox 360 is something he will actually USE and wouldn't be able to get it cheaper.  Your ring is just something someone wears, and if it looks beautiful it doesn't need to be expensive.

    This is one of those ones where you have to step into a guys mind.

  8. I wouldn't be pleased with that, shows where his priorities are.  However maybe he genuinely picked something for you that he thought you would like and it just happened to be cheaper.

    Don't worry about 'being materialistic'.  There's no shame in wanting a beautifully designed ring that you will hopefully wear everyday for the rest of your life.  I betcha he'll buy a new games system within 5 years.

    You should tell im how you feel, but make it clear you are appreciative (if you are).  I really don't think he did this on purpose, to hurt your feelings though.  Just ask him to find out.

  9. ....the ONLY thing that is saving this guy in my book is are allegedly supposed to spend two months salary on a wedding ring......this was an engagement ring.....AND......per you......he didn't have a good job at the time........don't sweat the small stuff....BUT......this guy better "annie up" for the wedding ring or I'd put the "kibosh" on his don't want a guy who is mostly "playing with himself" after you're me?.......I once bought a pair of diamond stud earrings for my wife for Valentine's Day...she was ecstatic......till she found out I got them half price on it was a matter of  "how much" I I ask THAT right?.........sound vaguely familiar?.........congratualtions on your engagement......

  10. Yes it would annoy me as well, but it probably relates more to his financial situation and how it's improved rather than his affection for you.  Since his financial situation's better now, what about getting a really lovely wedding band which has some diamonds set into it ?

  11. like you said at the time he didn't have a good job its the thought that count and when you say your wedding vows it is for richer or poorer

  12. it depends on how much is the different, if the difference is more than 500 bucks, im gonna get pissed, because it's like he's saying that he can replace his love for me with an xbox!

  13. How much did you spend on his engagement ring? If you are comparing your love based on financial worth you are a gold digger. Love has nothing to do with money.

  14. There is nothing wrong with a less expensive ring, but it sounds as if he cares more and puts more effort into his immediate wants then into you. My fiance borrow money for my ring... he payed back over a few months time and had to cut out some of the fun stuff he did. But he knew it would make me happy and it showed I was his number one priority. Make sure he takes your relationship seriously and will put you first before other non essential things before you marry him.

    another option is to say to him that the ring just doesn't feel perfect. so now that he has a better job you would like to find the perfect ring. hopefully it wont hurt his feelings... but then again he hurt yours.

  15. If he bought the engagement ring before the XBox, then you shouldn't feel hurt; he's just more financially able right now, and as long as he still loves and appreciates you, it's okay.  If this is the case, then talk to him about "upgrading" when you buy wedding bands.  The jewelry store might even give you credit for your engagement ring towards another.

  16. he got xbox  360 elite???d**n I'm jealous!!

  17. that sucks...sorry but if I was in that place, I would hate it. You're not being picky or anything at all.

  18. I'd be irked by that as well.  I don't really consider myself a materialistic person, but, I think that outside of a house and car, an engagement ring is probably one of the more expensive items a man can buy for his woman.  I know sometimes people don't have a lot of money when they first ask someone to get married, but, usually if they do that, later they at least upgrade the ring.  If it were me, I would probably say something to him about it, but, that's because I am kind of blunt with my opinions.  But, if you are happy with your ring, then, that's all that really matters.

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