
My fiance wants a mosh pit at our wedding reception...?

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Well me and my fiance love concerts and the mosh pit can be so much fun, anyways we are doing things a lil different at our wedding. My fiance suggested the idea of a mosh pit at the wedding. Well i totally love the idea, but I was just wondering what everyone else thought. Has anyone ever been to a wedding with something like this. It would all be in fun with our friends and family who are all totally cool. It would also be at the end of the wedding like the last half hour. I don't think too many people will like this idea, but I just wanted to hear some opinions or suggestions.




  1. Shades of  the child  at ' The Emporers New Clothes ' parade - I have to do the same and ask what is a ' mosh pit '?

  2. If y'all both love the idea, WHO CARES what other people think!!!  Go for it Girl!!

  3. Well I think that sounds like a great time! If you want it then go for it!

    It is YOUR wedding and YOUR choice.  Do as you please.  It may not suit everyone else but it will be an experience and those that don't like it don't have to participate.

  4. That is ridiculous idea.  Just because it is your wedding doesn't mean that you should do everything that pops into your head.

    Besides, any venue that would let you do that would be asking for issues of liability should anyone get hurt.

    There is a time and place for mosh pits, a wedding (no matter how different it is) is not an appropriate place for moshing behavior.

    Edit:  Based on your added info, you obviously didn't want to hear what other people thought of your idea (or you were hoping everyone agreed with you).  I think your idea is white trash and inappropriate, but then again, that's the same thing I think of moshing all the time.  It doesn't have anything to do with traditional weddings, either.  Do whatever you want, but don't ask questions if you don't want honest responses.

  5. Sorry. Most ignorant thing I have ever heard.

  6. Are you also having heavy metal music played at your wedding reception? Will it be dark with strobe lights flashing and so loud you have to scream for the person next to you to be heard? Will everyone be wearing outfits they'd wear to a mosh pit?

    There's nothing wrong with liking and enjoying mosh pits, but I think most guests would end up declining to "mosh". Plus saying it isn't going to be a "crazy mess".... what type of neat and organized mosh pit have you seen lately?

    Yes, it is your wedding, but the reception is supposed to be a party to thank your guests. If you can HONESTLY say that ALL your guests would just love a mosh pit at the reception then go for it. But I'm assuming you are having guests other than your mosh pit loving friends.

    Why not have an "after-party" at your favorite club? That way those who want to mosh with the new couple are welcome to come along, but Grandpa Joe and Aunt June can head home to bed without feeling like they missed out on the end of the reception.

  7. I won't advise you for or against it, but PLEASE check with your reception venue before you start doing a mosh pit there. It would be truly terribly to get kicked out of your own wedding reception because you got too rowdy in the ballroom or something.

  8. For one, older adults(ie grandparents, aunts uncles, etc) will not like the idea

    Personally i think its tacky.  You aren't at a concert, you're at your wedding.  Have some class.

  9. Sounds tacky to me.

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